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subject: There Are Ways To Replace Those Missing Teeth [print this page]

A picture is worth a thousand words is how the saying goes and a part of that picture is your gorgeous smile. You may often hear photographers telling you to show off your pearly whites but it isn't always as easy as it sounds. Sometimes you might have some problems with your teeth that makes you self conscious about your smile. There are options to fix your smile if you happen to be under unfortunate circumstances where you are missing a tooth for whatever reason.

The dentist is a scary place for a lot of people because there are negative associations with them, especially for people who have problems with their mouths. You don't need to fear going to see a dentist though because they are there to help you fix any problems you have, especially if you are seeking assistance when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.

Missing teeth can occur for a few different reasons though. Sometimes your teeth just get old and fall out. In other situations you may not have taken care of them and as a result they've been pulled out. You may have also experienced an accident while playing sports or just in your daily living that caused you to lose a tooth as well. However, don't be too devastated because you have options to fix your smile. If you utilize the dentists talents in the best way possible you won't be able to keep from showing off your bright smile.

One option that you have is to get a dental bridge. These are a great option for someone who needs assistance fixing their smile because the process is quick and only requires maybe two to three visits to the dentist and it is something that lasts for many years, up to ten as long as you maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing.

The bridge isn't a full proof thing though because some precautions need to be followed. You have the risk of infection if you end up ignoring the health of your teeth since there is so much bacteria that enters your mouth on a daily basis through the various foods you are eating. The acids that exist in different foods can also contribute to this as well so don't rule the option out entirely but be aware of what needs to be done to maintain your smile.

Dental implants are something else that ought to be considered. They are beneficial because they last for the duration of your life and don't ever need to be replaced. They also look like your real teeth and no one has to know you had a cosmetic dental procedure. So, what are you waiting for, see your dentist for a dazzling new smile.

by: Nick Messe

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