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How To Stop Teen Hair Loss

Hair loss is something usually associated with adults, but that is not the case. Teenage hair loss is becoming more of a problem in today's society as teenagers have a myraid of problems that they are dealing with. Many people do not realize that teenage hair loss is caused by many different factors. Teenagers do not typically have problems with losing their hair. However, there have been plenty of cases that this has occurred. Hair loss in teenagers can happen for several reasons. The first step to remedying teenage hair loss is to discover the cause of the problem.

Losing your hair can be emotional at any age. However, dealing with hair loss during the already-stressful teenage years can be completely overwhelming. Luckily, most causes of hair loss in teens can be easily remedied.

1. Teenage hair loss is something that probably can be adverted if some real simple steps are implemented in their lives. One of the most important things is proper diet. This area of their life cannot be stressed enough. Proper nutrition is where it all begins and ends if you want to stop hair loss. Do not style wet hair as it's more prone to stretch and break.

2. Make sure you are getting enough protein. Hair follicles are composed of protein, vitamins and minerals. Unbalanced diets can cause an increase in hair loss. Make sure that you have enough iron in your diet, particularly if you are a vegetarian.
How To Stop Teen Hair Loss

3. Limit the use of heated styling tools. Heat can damage the hair and cause hair loss. Avoid or limit the use of hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons. Chemical treatments, such as perms and hair coloring, should be avoided as well.

4. Try using baby shampoos on your hair. This type of shampoo is very gentle and helps your hair and definitely will not hurt it. Teenagers lover the blow-dryer and if your one of those make sure it's on the lowest setting. The more heat you put on hair the more damage that is possible.

5. Reduce your stress levels. Excess stress can cause many negative side effects in your body, including weight gain and hair loss. Whether you solve your stress problems through meditation, exercise or another technique, relaxing can help stop teen hair loss.

6. Style your hair while it is dry because wet hair is more prone to breakage. Brush your hair gently and avoid pulling at it excessively. Avoid hairstyles that restrict the hair, including ponytails and buns. If you feel any pressure placed on your scalp from your hairstyle, loosen it.

7. Stop heavy styling. Chemical treatments, such as bleaching or perming the hair, can cause excessive hair damage and hair loss. Even pulling your hair back too tightly can cause noticeable loss along the hair line. This is one of the best hair loss treatment.

8. Eat a well-balanced diet. A diet low in protein or iron can cause hair loss in teens. Teens who have been diagnosed with anemia or have an eating disorder are more prone to hair loss caused by a nutritional deficiency. Make sure you eat foods high in these nutrients, including spinach, fish, lettuce, turkey breast, skinless chicken, eggs, milk, nuts and beans.

by: Charles Zoe

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