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Test Drive Online Fax Services First

If you don't think you need an online fax service because (a) you have a fax machine or (b) you always use e-mail, phones or the Internet, then you might need to back up a step or two and read the articles about why fax technology still survives (and where). The fact of the fax, frankly, is that it is still used in many areas where people cannot get an Internet provider, such as large swaths of Africa and Asia. Whether you use a fax machine or not, plenty of people do. If they represent potential customers of yours, you are missing possible sales. It does not matter what you use to connect with other folks that are totally plugged into the new communications channels. What matters is having a way to connect to all the others who rely on fax machines.

So, now that you are back from reading up on why you really do need an online fax service, let us take a look at the real-world scenario for how to decide on a service. There are many services available with very different ranges of offerings and different ideas on what kind of service and features you need. There is not just a single reputable, reasonably-priced service, but a number of them, run by honest and hardworking people. By the same token, there are bound to be a number of scammers and disreputable folks running online fax firms, too. The best way to figure out what the right service is for you and your needs is to take advantage of the various free trial offers.

Make a plan

Before you even hit the search engines to find out where the free offers are for the most positively reviewed online fax services, you need to have a clear picture of your individual and/or corporate fax use. Since most services measure in- and out-bound traffic by the month, you should make sure your own usage figures are for 30-day periods. You also need to account for your use (or not) of cover pages, the kinds of attachments you will send, the location (local, national, international) of the recipients and other particulars of your use. This is the only way to control the cost variables and compare apples to apples at the end of the test period(s).

Now you are ready to go find out where the free trial offers are located. Search on the obvious terms and phrases and start compiling a list. Make sure to note the charges, whether per-page or per month, as well as any over-limit charges for the firms that offer a set number of in/out pages per month. Do not forget to add information in your growing collection of online fax service notes about customer service offerings (chat, phone, e-mail) and the hours they are available. Once you have a complete description of how each firm operates and what they offer, you can start your test drives.

Get different opinions

Now, you probably do not have time to do a 30-day trial for all five or six (or 10) online fax services you listed, and this is not necessary, either. Get several different employees, if they are available (or family if you work at home), to start using different services to do normal daily faxing. Keep notes about how the service works, how long it takes, the quality of the documents arriving to the recipient and so on. As the days go by, you will begin to collect a great deal of information on the different firms and should start to get a picture of the leading ones. The inferior offerings will also be evident early on, and they can be eliminated from your list of possible winners.

Make sure that all the different kinds of attachments that you need to send are translated and delivered correctly. Check with the recipient after each one is sent, to ensure that the Excel spreadsheet came out right or the Word document arrived properly formatted. Most leading services support the major office applications and graphics formats, but real-world testing is the best way to confirm that your employees and customers are getting what they need from the service.

Bottom line

It should not take more than a week or so for a few winners to start separating themselves from the pack. You will find the best services smooth, transparent, simple to use and hard to confuse. Take the several best performers and crunch the numbers for their costs and features, and you will likely arrive at one or two perfect fits. Talk to the other users at your firm (if any), and your fax-machine-using recipients, about which service worked the best. In case of ties, you can use your favorite tie-breaker (coin flip, rock-scissors-paper, etc.) and still feel pretty good about whichever service gets the nod.

by: Chris Haycox

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