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subject: Ever Used A Doctors Review? [print this page]

To begin, it's important to note that no review should be taken as law. Due to the fact that you are essentially taking someone else's word on the topic, there is always room for misinterpretation, misunderstandings, and false allegations. Keeping an open mind when researching a physician is key to finding the doc of your dreams.

Reviews can come in many forms. From friends and family members, to anonymous internet posts, anyone and everyone can have an opinion. When reading or listening to what someone else has to say, try and take the perspective of the physician.

It's also important to know what you're looking for in a doctor. For example, is there a specific condition which might benefit from the expertise of a specialist? What about location? Office staff? Education? Knowing what you're looking for ahead of time will help you through the decision making process and allow you to decide which aspects are worth paying attention to, and which ones appear a bit trivial.

Speak with friends and family members to gain recommendations. In general, people are all too happy to provide others with information regarding their physician. Take part in a discussion, outlining what you're looking for in a doctor, and compare your wants with the information provided.

Additionally, you can hop online and check out a variety of reviews from past patients, or even check into the various recommendation sites pertaining to the medical field. These sites are ideal in locating physicians who are not only in your area, but also have a good reputation and specialize in the treatment you are interested in. These sites will provide first hand accounts of treatments along with contact information, and an abundance of other information to help you along. You can also use these sites as a means to gather additional information on the recommendations provided from friends and family.

With the information you've obtained, choose your top three candidates and schedule appointments with each. In general, the first consultation is offered as a free service to prospective patients in order to further evaluate the physician and find out whether they can be of service. Bring in a list of questions and discussion topics and pay attention to how the doctor interacts with you. If you do not feel comfortable or confident in the abilities of the physician, you may want to politely pass and move along to the next candidate.

Continue the process until you've found someone you're absolutely happy with. After all, when it comes to your health, nothing matters more than happiness.

by: Andrew Stratton

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