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subject: How to Check Your Credit Score Online? (Without Paying Through the Nose Or Being Ripped Off!) [print this page]

How to Check Your Credit Score Online? (Without Paying Through the Nose Or Being Ripped Off!)

Who else is thinking about checking your credit score? If you are anything like hundreds of thousands of Americans who are suffering from the deleterious effects of a negative credit is imperative to have a firm grip on EXACTLY what your score says, before applying for ANY credit at all!

Why? Because subtle variations in the 3 digit's that reflect your credit worthiness can have a DRAMATIC influence on the amount of financing (or simply credit) you can qualify for...and the rates they will charge you to get it.

So what are the easiest ways to check your credit score online?

Very simple. Pick a service predicated around your needs. The law allows for ONE free credit report annually, and although they won't necessarily give you your score (a separate consideration from the report itself) you can get a good idea of what your credit profile looks like, simply by reviewing your accounts.

If you are super serious about your credit.....and are in the process of applying for a major loan, or even a series of smaller cards, your best bet is to get your actual score, as well as potentially, if you feel it necessary, a monitoring service that will keep "tabs" on your credit for a nominal fee on an ongoing basis.

Much like the popular "identity theft" style of services, credit score monitoring will tell you if anything dramatic happens to your score....while "flagging" any unusual activity, drop in rating or appearance of any negative items that may impact your ability to qualify for a loan, insurance, job or housing.

The Bottom line?

You don't need to pay for an expensive credit repair service, clinic or attorney to help check or monitor your credit score. And with the recent economic crisis that we're ALL still feeling across the's never been a better (or more important) time to keep ACCURATE (and often) tabs on exactly what those simple 3 digits say about YOUR financial aptitude! (and your ability to pay BACK the money you borrow!).

How to Check Your Credit Score Online? (Without Paying Through the Nose Or Being Ripped Off!)

By: Lee A. Johnson

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