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subject: Buying A Gift For A Newborn Baby Girl [print this page]

Buying A Gift For A Newborn Baby Girl

Once you know the baby is a girl, you can have a lot of fun buying a special gift for a sweet baby girl. You can choose something in pink if you'd like, and not feel like you have to safely stick to more gender-neutral colors like green and yellow.

What Does She Need?

A baby girl will need many things, and the best person to tell you what those needs are would be her parents. If there was a baby shower (sometimes there is more than one!), the newborn baby girl got gifts, in fact she probably got many of them. But chances are, they got duplicates of some items or didn't get other things they needed. If you ask the newborn baby girl's mother about gifts, she can give you specific items that she still needs for her newborn baby girl. Gifts that fill a need are often the most appreciated.

Make It Just For Her

Once the baby has arrived, you can make it personal by adding the baby's name, date of birth, time of birth, length and weight. Be sure it is all accurate, but then have it sewn or engraved into something the parents will treasure for years to come. Common items to have engraved are picture frames and baby mugs. Fabric items - like blankets, bibs, "loveys", and bath towels can have the information sewn into them, often around the edges. Personalization is a beautiful way to preserve the information.

Getting A Heirloom For The Baby's Grandchild

If you give a traditional keepsake, you can be sure they will treasure it for generations to come. Silver baby rattles or baby mugs are often personalized with the name and birthday for this purpose.

Taking The Easy Route

If you'd like to give more than one gift but eliminate much of the hassle, consider sending a gift basket. You can visit specialty stores or companies online who put together gift baskets all the time. They will have several "girl" baskets to choose from, and each will have several items included. For a newborn baby girl, the gift basket will likely include toys or a doll as well as a hairbrush, pink clothing, and other things in pink, yellow, or purple.

Time Versus Money

If you are long on time and short on money, and have talent in sewing, knitting, crocheting, or scrapbooking, consider making a gift for the newborn baby girl. You can make an article of clothing (knitted, crocheted, or sewn) or you can begin a scrapbook of the baby's first months. Parents will appreciate the extra effort you went to, and it will be a special gift.

If you aren't skilled in any "crafty" area, consider giving a gift of your time. Perhaps you can make the parents dinner, or help clean house? Doing laundry would also be appreciated during a time when the parents are busy getting to know their newborn baby girl, and gifts of time are especially appreciated. They can be the best newborn baby gifts of all.

by: Gene B. Pineda

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