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The amazing story of how Paul Smith travelled the world for free using only Twitter

Once the identity of my alter-ego, the Twitchhiker, is revealed, the first question I am asked is always the same: 'Where did you get the idea from?'

I wish I had some hilarious explanation but the truth is duller than Doncaster on a wet Tuesday. Some people are inspired by faith, others by great works of art.

For me, it was the bread aisle of Tesco in Gateshead. It was a Saturday lunchtime in January last year and my route to the fresh baguettes was blocked by a clatter of abandoned trolleys, their owners deep in conversation about Cheryl Cole or their recent holidays.

They were oblivious to other customers attempting to squeeze past. I began daydreaming, wishing I was somewhere else, somewhere hot with azure skies.
The amazing story of how Paul Smith travelled the world for free using only Twitter

Like millions of people, I spend far too much time using Twitter, a social networking site that connects friends and strangers alike.

Some use Twitter to relay mundane messages each limited to a maximum of 140 characters about their day, while others share news and information as it happens, in real-time.

A Twitter page is a sort of mini-blog. Yet Twitter isn't a one-way broadcast it's a two-way conversation, brimming with discussions and arguments, requests and offers of help.

I followed with interest the messages, known as tweets, of dozens of Twitter users around the world, and a similar number of people followed what I had to say.

And that's where my idea came from through Twitter I could reach out to people in other countries, who in turn could reach out to their friends and followers.

Could I somehow use this network to help me travel the globe? Could I, at 33, become the world's first Globe Twitterer? A Globe Tweeter? A Twit Tripper? No, I'd be a Twitchhiker.

By the time I reached the checkout, my plan was taking shape I would attempt to travel to the opposite side of the world in 30 days, relying entirely on the kindness and goodwill of fellow Twitter users.

Of course, everyone has exciting and occasionally ludicrous thoughts, but we rarely feel brave enough to follow them through.

Then, months later, we hear about somebody else who has had the same thought but also the determination to realise it. We mutter under our breath about how we thought of it first, kick ourselves and live with the regret.

I didn't want that to happen to me. I didn't have work ties preventing me from taking off.

Previously I had quit my degree in astrophysics to pursue a career in radio. I'd had fun as a producer and presenter.

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The amazing story of how Paul Smith travelled the world for free using only Twitter

By: paul smith

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