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subject: A Tailor Made Luxury Honeymoon In Argentina By Dehouche [print this page]

A Tailor Made Luxury Honeymoon In Argentina By Dehouche

. Stay in a spacious suite with four poster bed, a private plunge pool and a large secluded deck area affording fantastic views of the snow capped Andes on the horizon. The hotel also has a full spa service (including a crushed Malbec scrub). It almost goes without saying that there is a great wine cellar from which one can sample award winning wines. From here Dehouche arrange visits to the excellent Bodegas close by, as well as perhaps some white water rafting, cycling and horse riding depending on how adventurous the Honeymoon couple want to be.

After four nights relaxing in wine country its time for some city slicking and no city is more fun whilst being so inherently charming as the city of Buenos Aires, European in appearance but with a real South American feel, it is a joy to explore - well preserved historic districts coupled with an excellent nightlife and a relaxed caf culture. Honeymooners will have a tailored and extensively researched recommendations on the best restaurants bars and nightclubs and of course a dedicated 24 hour Dehouche concierge on hand and local to the city. As befitting a Honeymoon the accommodation is very special indeed a large suite with private sun deck in a tucked away boutique hotel perfectly located in the chic tree lined streets of the Palermo Viejo district where all the best bars, restaurants and shopping are to be found. The Dehouche local guide Diana will join you for a custom made tour of the city based on your requirements, making sure that everything is done at your pace including all the important sights as well as some little known hideaways off the beaten track.

Its now time to enjoy some more of that famous wine and so its off to the lesser known wine region of Salta which is a picturesque region of rolling hills and vineyards. The secluded ranch, owned by actor Robert Duvall is the perfect spot for a honeymoon to conclude; nicknamed Salta la Linda or Salta the beautiful by locals and tourists alike. The Ranch operates a hands off yet courteous service, resulting in a truly relaxed atmosphere. For the adventurous this environment provides the perfect platform for some fantastic hiking and climbing in the mountains and exhilarating rafting on the rivers all of which can be easily arranged. The ranch offers transport to the city of Salta for any exploring or shopping for some souvenirs to take home, and there is also a spa on hand to relax in, welcome respite after roaming the mountains or the aisles, or indeed sampling some of the local nectar. A perfect Honeymoon in Argentinas wonderful wine regions!

Contact Dehouche if you would like to construct a similar Honeymoon vacation in Argentina.
A Tailor Made Luxury Honeymoon In Argentina By Dehouche tel US:0800 690 6899, UK: 0871 284 7770

by: Blaufraustein

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