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Spell Bounding Ancient And Charming City Of Paris

If you are going to visit Paris or France anytime, dont forget to visit their cultural and traditional buildings. It is the most interesting part and it will really make your journey meaningful. This country is not just about the Eiffel tower, there are plenty of other sights to see for the tourists.

If you ask anyone about the Notre Dame Cathedral, you will definitely get a brief history about this beautiful and ancient cathedral. Every year number of visitors increases. Not only Christian community but also people from other religion like to visit this place at least once. From every corner of the world, people come here and catch the beauty of this cathedral in their eyes for all time. This Notre Dame Cathedral is also known as the Our Lady of Paris. This history proof comes to an end in 1250 A.D. and still it is the great example of well known French Gothic architecture. During 19th century, this church is rebuilt with its basic essence of beauty. Its beautiful work includes combinations of sculptures and stained glass. Due to its increasing popularity it became famous monument of France. This functioning Catholic Church is a pilgrimage spot. Many religious national events or occasions are takes place here only. It is also used for any major services.

Our Lady of Banneux is situated on the small island which is surrounded by the seine river. After looking at the whole place, you will surely forget all your tensions for a moment. You will get attracted towards the beauty of this spot. To visit this place, you dont need to pay anything. It is every single day of the year, so that it reaches high number of visitors regularly. Guides will give you the one hour historical and architectural explanation about this Our Lady of Banneux. But during those sessions, you have to be present in a proper dressing. They show you the close ups of Emmanuel bell which is placed inside. The two towers of this cathedral hold those bells. From the cathedral towers you get incredible views of Paris city.

This Cathedral of Autun is especially made up of gold. You will definitely feel that this work of building is mostly inspired by the nature and other natural things. You will get excellent work of Gothic art pieces in the form of three west portals. On the door jambs, you will see the statues of famous Paul, Peter and biblical monarch. Cathedral of Autun explores many stories about Anne and Joachim. It also reveals history of Mar and Joseph. Looking at the trumeau, you will see the statue of very old bishop of Paris and Saint Marcel. Every work which is created on the cathedral tells you something regarding its history. Its work is an example of tradition styles. This building of church is the first one which uses the art of flying buttress.
Spell Bounding Ancient And Charming City Of Paris

For visitors who came from long distances get many hotels or vacation rooms to stay there. They will provide you all the necessary facilities at affordable prices. You will find many stalls selling different stuffs at reasonable costs. Dont forget that your trip without visiting this cathedral is incomplete, because this Notre Dame de Paris is the biggest landmark of France culture. It makes your Paris vacation complete.

by: tanmay

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