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Trim Your Christmas Tree Safely

Santa phone calls are becoming more and more popular as the years roll by. We have always had Santa letters but now, phone calls from Santa are the big thrill in your child's season. It ranks right up there with helping to trim the Christmas tree. Many parents will include their small child in going and getting a Christmas tree, picking out a good one, and then decorating it. Unfortunately, there is one fact that they are not aware of until it is too late. At Christmas time, the emergency rooms across the country see more children and adults with retina and cornea injuries. These occur from the pine needles on a Christmas tree scratching, tearing, or poking the eyes. It is the number one seasonal injury. Here are some steps you can take to prevent many seasonal injuries before they happen.

Build a Christmas safety box, much like a toolbox, that you can store with the Christmas boxes in the attic or basement to use every year so it does not become misplaced or mixed with other household tools. This kit should contain all the safety equipment that you use every year when the holiday rolls around. It is a good idea to put a note and a list inside the kit to read each year and refresh your memory as to what it is for and how to use it. The Christmas tool kit should be packed in such a way so that it is the first thing you touch when getting out the Christmas boxes and the last thing that you put away when the holiday season is over.

The most important item in your Christmas tool kit is safety goggles. You should have one pair for everyone who goes anywhere near the tree. Even if it is just to decorate it or to water it. As your child grows, you will need to replace them with bigger frames so that they do not become too tight and painful. I recommend the goggles with the elastic band on the back. They provide more facial coverage and are easily adjustable so that they fit comfortably but are still snug enough not to slip off at a crucial moment.

Another important part of your Christmas toolkit should be gloves. You will want the kind that fit tightly to the hand but are loose and long covering most of the forearm. This will eliminate scratches and burns on the arm as your child reaches through the limbs to place that Christmas ornament in just the right spot. If there is one thing that all children excel at, it is decorating a beautiful Christmas tree. They are naturally adept at it. With this in mind, arm them with the proper tools needed to do the job injury free and you will be happy that you did. How many Christmas' can you remember that you either poked yourself in the eye or had those scrapes and bruises on your forearm? The answer is probably several if not all of them.
Trim Your Christmas Tree Safely

You can also put some antiseptic spray or ointment in your toolkit as well so that when these little mishaps do occur, you are prepared for them. Do not forget to check the expiration dates on all of your products every year before you use them or put them away. Check the safety glasses for excessive scratches on the lens and make sure that if they are plastic lenses, they are still strong and in good shape. Some plastics tend to get a little brittle with age. If you find anything that is getting weak with age, including the rubber straps, replace the items immediately so that you do not forget. When you are good to go, watch your child decorate that Christmas tree in the masterful way that only children can and then have yourself a safe and merry little Christmas.

by: Ellie Evergreen

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