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subject: A Trip To The Salon, What's In It For Me? [print this page]

A Trip To The Salon, What's In It For Me?

A trip to the beauty salon isn't just about a haircut any more. Nor is it just for women. Salons have become destinations for both genders, and are a great way to spend some time that will leave you looking better, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed, and help you project a more professional edge in your overall appearance.

So what's in the salon for me, you may ask. Salons traditionally were establishments that provided hair care in all forms. In their early, formative years, salons provided hair coloring, permanent waves, roller sets and comb-outs, haircuts and straightening. Through the years, salons evolved and began to offer amenities such as manicures, pedicures, and facials. Up until the 70s, hair salons were primarily a female domain. Most men only ventured in to wait for their wives or girlfriends; but with the advent of Saturday Night Fever and the Disco Age, men realized that if it was ok for John Travolta to be a little vain about his appearance, then perhaps they should pay a little more attention to their appearance as well...and so started a steady evolution of men moving from the corner barber shop to the salon.

Today, many salons have added spas to their services lists. Massages, wraps, laser treatments, and many other choices are available to clients looking for some relaxation as well as a cosmetic tune-up. Hair extensions and hair replacement therapy may also be available. Salons strive to make the customer's visit something to look forward to and enjoy. It is a total experience, not just something to check off a task list.

Male or female, one of the best treats people can buy for themselves (or give as a gift to someone else) is to schedule a day at the salon. Be sure to allow enough time for the visit to thoroughly enjoy the services being provided, and plan something special to do after your appointment as a way to extend your pleasure. Dinner out with good friends or attending a play or gallery opening is a great way to show off a new hair style or facial. If you're having a massage, schedule some time to return home and rest afterward. Take a nap or spend an afternoon on the deck with a good book to extend the rewards of a great massage.
A Trip To The Salon, What's In It For Me?

When deciding on a salon to visit, first decide what services you want from a salon. Next, check to see if the salon has a website. This is a great way to determine the services the salon has to offer, and the prices they charge for each of their services. You can also see the credentials of the people on their staffs.

When all is said and done, a trip to a salon offers you a get-away. It is time apart from the normal day-to-day grind to relax and enjoy some pampering. Whether you just need a quick trim to tame the dry ends of your hair, or a full-body wrap to take away the stress of a new job, a good salon offers a bevy of options for feeling better about yourself. Check one out; you'll be glad you did.

by: Roger Ubik

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