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subject: How To Help You Child Solve Problems Without Fights [print this page]

How To Help You Child Solve Problems Without Fights

Parents should teach their children the proper way to solve problems and conflicts as early as possible. If you have more than one child you will know that how important it is to teach your children how to settle disputes without resorting to hitting one another. Children born into a family with other children are almost immediately placed in an environment where they are interacting with other children. Arguments and how to resolve them will, naturally, become part of their days.

At early ages children are on a voyage of self-exploration and self-discovery. From there your child will see your child playing with other children in an area but not as a group. this means that children will be playing together "geographically" but with their own playthings and toys. The next step comes when your child is around the age of two or three and they begin to interact with other children, this is when conflict resolution and problem solving start coming into play.

Homeschooling parents have the chance to teach conflict resolution skills as well as problem solving techniques rather than just having the parent or teacher solving the problem themselves. An important part of conflict resolution is to get the child to describe how they are feeling and help them get past the initial reaction. This will take some time to get used to and you should always make sure that you discuss the incident at a later time when the child has calmed down. The key to your child's emotional growth is discussing past conflicts and the mistakes they made and the steps they should've taken.

Early on your child will have learnt that crying and even screaming will help solve their problems because you as a parent will give them want they want or need in order to stop them crying. Lots of the time there is no time set aside for emotional growth within the public school system. If you are considering homeschooling your child then this is a practice you should do on a regular basis.

Making sure your children understand the aspects of conflict resolution that you have taught them is key to them learning how to play nicely within any social setting and plays a big part in their emotional and social growth and development. If your children lack these tools then they will most likely learn to solve problems in a way that is inappropriate.

You can find all the resources you could ever want on the subject of conflict resolution with lots of different ideas for teaching them to you children. These practices, when incorporated into your everyday life, will stimulate your child to grow both emotionally and in confidence.

by: Benjamin Rowe

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