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subject: The taste of a fairtrade cuppa [print this page]

The taste of a fairtrade cuppa

Easing your conscience on a daily basis is a nice feeling and you can do it every time you go to the shops, cook a meal or boil the kettle and here is how. Quite simply think about making the right purchases and filling your cupboards with foods which support people and don't just mean you have a bit of extra cash in your pocket at the end of each month and the same goes for the drinks you buy too.

The name of the game is fairtrade and whenever you go shopping it is important to look out for the fairtrade logo and wherever you can, do your bit by buying fairtrade wherever you can. It is not always possible to buy fairtrade because it has not been rolled out across the board but where you can't buy fairtrade you can normally buy a British version and then you know you're supporting local growers and suppliers and helping them to earn a decent living and stay afloat. Without these farmers Britain would be entirely reliant on foreign produce and this is very dangerous territory when it comes to sustaining a thriving economy but for those things which we are unable to grow in this country due to the climate the best thing you can do is make sure you're supporting ethical policies.

While there is such thing as British grown and produced coffee, it is not something that is particularly widely available or easy to get hold of and the choice on the shelves lies in coffee from Kenya, Columbia and Brazil and this is why it is important that food store give customers the fair trade option wherever possible. To buy fairtrade items isn't to settle for something less than your usual brand or choice, it is to get a great product which supports the hard work and dedication of farmers who rely on trade with Europe to live and they work long, hard hours to produce the food we eat and the coffee and tea we drink every day.

Do the right thing next time you're in the local supermarket and choose the fairtrade coffee option over your favourite brand, the product will be as good if not better and you will be helping towards ensuring that people all over the world are treated to fair, safe and healthy working conditions and that they are paid fairly for their products, in line with what they are worth.

Buy fairtrade coffee at the same time as your fairtrade food from your local supermarket and get great quality products while making sure the growers and suppliers are fairly treated and paid.

The taste of a fairtrade cuppa

By: Jamie Francis

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