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subject: Famous People From France, French Celebrities Born On Bastille Day (July 14) Jules Mazarin, and more [print this page]

Famous People From France, French Celebrities Born On Bastille Day (July 14) Jules Mazarin, and more

Famous People From France Who Were Born On Bastille Day, July 14!

( ( ( #10 b. 1602) ) )

Jules Mazarin (French pronunciation: [yl maza]; born Giulio Raimondo Mazarino, was a French-Italian cardinal, diplomat, and politician, who served as the chief minister of France from 1642 until his death. Mazarin succeeded his mentor, Cardinal Richelieu. He was a noted collector of art and jewels, particularly diamonds, and he bequeathed the "Mazarin diamonds" to Louis XIV in 1661, some of which remain in the collection of the Louvre museum in Paris. His personal library was the origin of the Bibliothque Mazarine in Paris.

( ( ( #09 b. 1634) ) )
Famous People From France, French Celebrities Born On Bastille Day (July 14) Jules Mazarin, and more

Pasquier Quesnel was a French Jansenist theologian.

He was born in Paris, and, after graduating from the Sorbonne with distinction in 1653, he joined the French Oratory in 1657. There he soon became prominent; he took a leading part in scholarly controversy, for example against Joseph Anthelmi.

His Jansenist sympathies led to his banishment from Paris in 1681, following the formulary controversy. He took refuge with the friendly Cardinal Coislin, bishop of Orlans; four years later, however, foreseeing that a fresh storm of persecution was about to burst, he fled to Brussels, and took up his abode with Antoine Arnauld.

There he remained till 1703, when he was arrested by order of the archbishop of Mechelen. After three months imprisonment he made a highly dramatic escape, and settled at Amsterdam, where he spent the remainder of his life. After Arnauld's death in 1694 Quesnel was generally regarded as the leader of the Jansenist party; and his Rflexions morales sur le Nouveau Testament played almost as large a part in its literature as Jansen's Augustinus itself.

As its title betokens, Quesnel's book was a devotional commentary on the New Testament, wherein Quesnel managed to explain the aims and ideals of the Jansenist party better than any earlier writer had done; and it accordingly became the chief object of Jesuit attack. It appeared in many forms and under various titles, the original germ going back so far as 1668; the first complete edition was published in 1692. The papal bull Unigenitus, in which no fewer than 101 sentences from the Rflexions morales were condemned as heretical, was obtained from Clement XI on September 8, 1713. Quesnel died at Amsterdam.

( ( ( #08 b. 1671) ) )

Jacques D'Allonville was a French astronomer and mathematician.

He was born in the Chteau de Louville, and studied mathematics before joining the navy. He achieved the rank of colonel before retiring from military service in 1713, following the peace of Utrecht. He thereafter took up the study of astronomy.

He is noted for determining a method for precisely calculating the occurrence of solar eclipses.

He died at Saint-Jean de Bray.

The crater Louville on the Moon is named after him.

( ( ( #07 b. 1675) ) )

Claude Alexandre, Comte de Bonneval was a French army officer who later went into the service of the Ottoman Empire, eventually converting to Islam and becoming known as Humbarac Ahmet Paa.

( ( ( #06 b. 1874) ) )

Andre Debierne was a French chemist and is considered the discoverer of the element actinium.

Debierne, studied at the elite cole suprieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI ParisTech). He was a student of Charles Friedel, was a close friend of Pierre and Marie Curie and was associated with their work. In 1899, he discovered the radioactive element actinium, as a result of continuing the work with pitchblende that the Curies had initiated.

After the death of Pierre Curie in 1906, Debierne helped Marie Curie carry on and worked with her in teaching and research.

In 1910, he and Marie Curie prepared radium in metallic form in visible amounts. They did not keep it metallic, however. Having demonstrated the metal's existence as a matter of scientific curiosity, they reconverted it into compounds with which they might continue their researches.

( ( ( #05 b. 1890) ) )

Ossip Zadkine was a Russian-born artist who lived in France. He is primarily known as a sculptor, but also produced paintings and lithographs.

( ( ( #04 b. 1909) ) )

Annabella was a French cinema actress who appeared in 46 films between 1927 and 1952, including some Hollywood films during the late 1930s and 1940s.

Born Suzanne Georgette Charpentier in La Varenne Saint Hilaire, Val-de-Marne, France, Annabella's chance to enter films came when her father entertained a film producer who gave her a small part in a film in 1927. It was not till she starred in Le Million that she was accalimed and over the following decade established herself as one of France's most popular cinema actresses. In 1936 she won the Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival for Veille d'armes (1935).

( ( ( #03 b. 1928) ) )

Pierre Olaf, Cauderan France, actor (Kraft Music Hall)

( ( ( #02 b. 1964) ) )

Jack Kay Jr, Montreal Que, Canadian Tour golfer (1991 Singapore Open)

( ( ( #01 b. 1971) ) )

Marie-Chantal Toupin is a Canadian musician.
Famous People From France, French Celebrities Born On Bastille Day (July 14) Jules Mazarin, and more

She was a 2004 Juno Award nominee for Francophone Album of the Year. Toupin has sold over 300,000 albums in Canada, and has had two albums certified platinum.

In 2004, she was one of the artists who played at the Foire Brayonne music festival in Edmundston, New Brunswick.

Famous People From France, French Celebrities Born On Bastille Day (July 14) Jules Mazarin, and more


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