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subject: Dealing With Your Children's Messiness [print this page]

Dealing With Your Children's Messiness

Little kids are almost unaware of the fact that what is messiness and what is not. They like to play with things all around them. But it is important to note here that children do not do this willingly. It is just because they are not aware of the facts. It is your duty as parents to teach them how to clean things up. Tell them the importance of being neat and clean and keep the surroundings neat and clean. Teach them gradually and instead of punishing them, encourage them for little efforts. Here are few points given to teach your children to deal with messiness appropriately.

Clean as You Go

As parent it is your responsibility to tell your child how to put things or toys away immediately after playing. This will help your child to become an organized person in the future and he or she would know that where to keep things after playing with them.

Guide them to Clean the Mess

In the start you need to be a guide to your child and show him the containers and cans in which they will keep their toys and other playthings. Teach them how to keep things in the containers and where to put them.

Be Specific

You need to be very specific so that your child will understand what he or she exactly needs to do. Like tell them to put the blocks in the box or put the pegs in the bucket etc.

Guide them to Use Adequate Cleaning Supplies

As child he or she does not know what to use for cleaning the mess. It is your duty to tell them or give them the adequate cleaning supplies like cloth, brush. Reinforcement is necessary throughout the teaching process.


Certain limitations are there to prevent the mega damages. For instance, if you are planning to give your child to work with finger-paints, markers, clay or crayons, confine or limit them to a certain place to play with such things. Because they dont know that they are not required to spoil the sofas, carpets or other precious household items.


-Grandmas Rule

Sometimes, you see that your child is not willing to clean the mess. Here you have to use different techniques to encourage your child to do that task. For example, you can use grandmas rule to motivate them as, ask them you can allowed to go outside if you picked those blocks up. In this way you can motivate them to do the tasks.

-Work Together

Always try to work with your small children. As they are not capable of doing the big cleaning jobs, assist them in cleaning so that they not only learn the importance of cleaning but also cooperating others.

-Play Beat the-Clock

To make tough task easy for your child, try to play Beat the Clock with your children. You can offer different rewards for beating the time. If your child beat a time you can offer him or her to take out another toy.

-Encourage and Praise your Children

Encouragement is a strong tool in teaching your children a good thing. Keep encouraging and praising for every good act to boost or motivate them. Encouragement can be a verbal reward in the form of praising or in form of toy or other plaything.


-No Punishment

Remember, children learn things gradually and you have to give them enough time to get familiar with the things. Punishing them will demoralize them. Teach them with love the importance of cleanliness.

-No Perfection

Dont expect perfection from your children. They are not mature enough to clean the mess properly.

-Dont expect Children to Dress themselves for a Mess

It is always important to provide old clothing to your child before letting him play with messy things for he never knows the importance of clean clothing.

by: Tauqeer Hassan

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