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subject: Marketing Your Service Business is a Balancing Act [print this page]

Marketing Your Service Business is a Balancing Act

If you have a business it is important that you market yourself and your services. If you are not able to balance working in your business with working on your business then this will greatly reduces your chances of success and growth in your business.

The main task of a business owner is to market their business. A home inspectors main task is not to conduct home inspections. The home inspectors main task is to market the fact that he does home inspections. The main task of a person who owns a lawn care business is not to take care of lawns. The owner of the lawn care business has the main task of marketing the lawn care business. This is a tough concept for many to grasp. Small business owners and solo owner/operators are often focused on doing tasks and working in the business instead of working on the business to grow it.

As a sole owner/operator it is tough to balance the two aspects of business. The need to perform the tasks and services that you provide can impeed the amount of time you have to market and build the business. It can get pretty complicated and frustrating for people who get caught in the middle and trying to juggle the multiple hats they need to wear day in and day out.

Being certain that you leave time and opportunity to market your business is crucial. I will market my home inspection service before of after an inspection. This not only help ensure that the marketing and office visits gets done, it also makes great use of my time. It would make little sense to drive back to the area another day to market when I could have done it while there the first time. For the solo business owner being able to combine tasking and marketing becomes a must if one is to be a success.

About The Author

Jim Troth is a full time home inspector in central Ohio and Education Coordinator for InterNachi Ohio. He has managed to grow his home inspection business despite the slowing of the real estate market in his area. Jim also provides marketing help to other home inspectors and has products beneficial

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Marketing Your Service Business is a Balancing Act

By: dockett jo

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