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subject: Effective Methods To Stop Teeth Grinding [print this page]

Have you been suffering from bruxism? Bruxism is typically referred to as teeth grinding or teeth clenching. In case you are not certain, here are a few obvious signs: grinding the teeth while you were asleep, pain at the lower jaw area and headache. These problem are categorized based on the seriousness of the condition from mild to severe and if not remedied will lead to arthritis in the temporo-mandibular joint.

Our main goal here is to stop this condition before it gets worst. There are basically some effective ways to do this and some information about these treatment options are outlined below recommended by Richmond dentist.

First of all you have to purchase a professional mouth guard, which you can obtain from your dentist; it is really one of the helpful approaches to manage bruxism. It inhibits impairment to the teeth that can be a result of continuous grinding and clenching. On the other hand, the main problem with this method is it is too expensive furthermore it can be very uncomfortable that oftentimes caused you to gag. The chief purpose of this apparatus is to shield your teeth from injury.

Another option is the use of prescription drugs to alleviate the pain. This is recommended for those who find it difficult to go through their normal activities because of the swelling. Drugs give temporary relief to the pain caused by bruxism and in worst cases given to arthritis in the temporomandibular joint. The problem here is it only alleviate the pain felt but do not treat the underlying cause. As we all know that long term use of these medications can damage our liver and kidneys.

Finally the last treatment option is lifestyle change. It has been said that certain diets and supplements, as well as jaw exercise, can stop teeth grinding. The advantage of this option is that it is completely natural and you do not acquire the risk of any health complications. Moreover, it is significantly cheaper than buying a mouth guard and in fact, many of the food and supplements required can be found at home. Perhaps the only disadvantage is that there are so many methods that claim to stop teeth grinding and the challenge is to find out which of them will actually work. But ultimately we know the best way is to seek the help of dental specialists like the Richmond dentist.

by: Martin Crawford

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