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Petraeus Goofs!

Plans by the Dove World Outreach Centre, a small fringe group based in Florida, to burn copies of the Quran, marking the anniversary of the infamous terrorist attacks on 9/11, have drawn the attention of the global news media.

The top U.S Commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, ill-conceived comments about the holy book burning has focussed the attention of Muslims the world over, and provided manna from heaven to the Islamic fundamentalists, extremists and terrorist organisations.

Should the Dove World Outreach Centre carry out their plans, the media coverage of the event will prove a catastrophe for the hearts and minds' campaign in Afghanistan, Iraq and everywhere else in the Muslim world, where extremists flourish.

General Petraeus fears for the lives of those under his command on the front line in Helmand Province, Sangin and elsewhere in Afghanistan. The General understates the likely fall out from desecrating the holy Quran in front of the world's media.
Petraeus Goofs!

Muslims throughout the world will react very strongly to such an affront to their religion. There are likely to be severe repercussions not just in the battle zones of Afghanistan, but throughout the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia and even in countries in Europe with large Muslim population.

After the Danish cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammed were published, there was a huge outcry from the Islamic world. This act alone provided ammunition to the Muslim extremists and featured heavily in the propaganda, used to recruit volunteers to their cause.

It would be an under-statement to say that Muslims take their religion very seriously. Praying five times each day, every day and all the other rituals and practises demanded by their religion require great discipline, no matter how ridiculous some of their ways appear to westerners.

It would not offend me greatly if a group of Muslim fundamentalists were to burn a copy of the Holy Bible, as I am not religious.

The U.S Government should prevent such a provocative act from taking place, regardless of any rights to freedom of expression and protest. If they have to lock up the morons who are planning to burn the Quran and throw away the key, they should do so, to prevent extremists feeding off this act and jeopardising the safety of troops serving on the front line, as well as civilians that may get caught up in retaliatory attacks.

General Petraeus should sack his PR advisor. It is worrying that a man responsible for deciding strategy in the war against terror should make such a disastrous gaff. Perhaps Mr Obama should think about another replacement.

Petraeus Goofs!

By: Bill Bloggs

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