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subject: Easiest Way To Make Money Online – Nah, Just Kidding... Or Am I? [print this page]

The easiest way to make money online especially if you have no money to start with is learning how to sell. The fastest way to learn how to sell is by practicing and the "hands down" best way to practice is by writing.

To make things even better, you can get paid for your writing as you're learning to sell. Now I certainly don't mean filling out surveys or any of that nonsense but their is one sure-fire way to making an honest buck online as you're learning and that's by writing articles.

Writing articles you can do one of two things.

You can sell your articles as PLR which stands for Private Label Rights. This means you give the purchaser the right to use your articles as their own provided they re-write them. So basically they are using your articles as a template because you have conducted the research to write that article and put the time in to structuring the article in a way it makes sense.

The second way, which is the way I learned and still do to this day because it's so profitable, especially when you start getting real good at it, is by writing reviews or other information type articles about topics that have an affiliate product attached to them.

What I mean by the second point is this: You have been reading this article about the best way to make money online hands down, right? And the way I described briefly was to learn how to sell. But what I mentioned about the best way to learn to sell was to start writing.

Well why not get paid as you're learning by writing articles that promote or tie into a product that you can get a commission for?

So, how this article fits into an affiliate product is... I'm about to tie it (this article) into something about writing killer and persuasive articles. Constructing the best article title to get it read (which is ultimately the first part of your goal) and direct the reader (you) to take action by clicking the link down in the Author Bio box.

Still with me? Fantastic, because if you are then you have proven to be of above average intelligence and you stand a great chance at making this work for you too, just like I made it all work for me. It took a lot of work but believe me it has been completely worth it.

So if you're interested in learning about selling by writing simple articles while making a bit of money doing it then I highly suggest you investigate the information down below in the Author Bio for some exciting resources.

Easiest Way To Make Money Online Nah, Just Kidding... Or Am I?

By: Mike Hill

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