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subject: Russell Brunson's Micro Continuity Review and Wrestling? [print this page]

Have you heard of Micro Continuity? I just watched a interesting free video about something called "Micro-Continuity." Russell Brunson shows you how to get a mini membership website up and running in less than a day.

Brunson showed this system a couple of months back for the first time. He orginally sold it for 2500 dollars and it sold out in the first day. He is showing how the whole system works for free, until he decides to take down the videos.

The video talks about how a stay at home mom went from making zero dollars online to 13,000 dollars in one month. Some people have been skeptical, but the word is that this is completely true. She followed the original course to make all that money in one month. The majority of people in online business have more skills than her.

The woman's name is Joy Anderson and she started off with very little money and is a single mom with three kids. She used the system step by step to achieve the outstanding results. Part of the system that helped her earn that large was giving away free CDs.

Russell also talks about his college wrestling career and how he lost his last match in college which stopped him from going to the national championships. Since then he has made over 10 million dollars online and he now has hired an Olympic wrestling coach and wrestlers to help him train for 2012 Olympics. He says this only possible because of his new business model.

Russell Brunson's Micro Continuity Review and Wrestling?

By: Jennifer Summers

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