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subject: Insanity Workout Review - Are You Insane For Buying Shaun T's Insanity Workout Program? [print this page]

For the past two years, Shaun T's Insanity workout has been one of the most popular fitness programs on the market. Given how often the Insanity infomercials are shown on cable and broadcast television, it's not surprising that 62% of individuals surveyed have heard of Shaun T and his program. Frankly, you'd have to have been living under a rock, not to have seen at least one recent commercial for this product.

But, just because something is well known doesn't necessarily mean it's effective or worth it's cost. We decided to find out more about Insanity and to let you know the facts so you can decide for yourself.

First, a quick review of what you receive when you order Insanity. The program is a 60 day routine that consists of 10 DVDs covering:

* Plyometric drills (jump training)

* Strength training

* Power and resistance exercises

* Ab & core training moves

In addition to the 10 training DVDs, Insanity buyers also receive:

* Nutrition plan

* Fitness guide

* Exercise calendar

* Online support tools

While most fitness programs utilize barbells or dumb bells, one unique aspect to Insanity is that it relies solely on the body weight of the exerciser. This makes Insanity a flexible option for those that don't have access to weights or have the room for a barbell style workout.

Another difference is Insanity's focus on getting lean and ripped, rather than gaining large amounts of muscle. Many women are concerned about appearing too muscular so Shaun's program certainly is popular with that group.

Finally, Insanity comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. During the first month of using the program, you can return the product for a full refund (minus the shipping and handling charges) for any reason whatsoever. This guarantee limits the buyer's risk and means you can give it a good try before making up your mind.

In summary, while no exercise program is perfect for everyone, Insanity does offer a popular option for those that are willing to commit to 60 days of fat burning, high intensity exercise.

Insanity Workout Review - Are You Insane For Buying Shaun T's Insanity Workout Program?

By: Sandy Baker

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