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Americans Spend Billions On Pest Control Each Year

Today's homeowner generally has a top list of household pests that they battle on a regular basis and seek to eliminate through maintenance skills or by use of chemical products. A recent study conducted by The National Pest Control Association, a non-profit umbrella of various pest control companies across the country, Americans are spending a staggering $4.5 billion dollars each year due to damage caused by insects and pests in and around their homes. In addition, a lot of these pests might actually present a danger to your health.

There does not seem to be a rhyme or reason to which homes are attacked by pests, whether they are clean or dirty. Added to this is the fact that many pests are no longer confined to certain seasons or regions. Since homes are climate controlled, many pests will not have trouble living inside the home at any time of year. One pest, the rodent, will actually grow in numbers when the temperatures drop and they seek shelter in people's homes. There are many different ways that roaches may get into your home initially, like in bags.

You can bring in other insects into the home by picking them up on your shoes. Pest control is doubtless a year long problem. In order to completely eradicate the pests, you are going to have to use methods other than the simple things you find at your supermarket. Pests thrive when they can find warmth, water, and food and it is likely that your home will have all of these things since they are what make it possible for you to live there as well.

There is no way to cut off those elements that they need to live because you yourself need them, so instead you need to take some preventative steps. Clean those areas that are probably breeding or nest sites for pests, such as vents, under the staircase, the back of cupboards, cracks, basically anywhere a pest might make his home. You need to make sure you throw the garbage out daily and do not leave rubbish there as an all you can eat buffet.
Americans Spend Billions On Pest Control Each Year

#3 - Be sure to check for any cracks or gaps in window frames, and install secure screens to doors and windows. #4 - Don't purchase large volume boxes of food and be sure to store any food that insects would invade in tight containers or plastic zip bags. #5 - Be diligent about crumbs and food items that get spilled, and be aware of grocery bags or other containers that could harbor pests. #6 - Produce packages such as netting, plastic wrappings and boxes are particularly vulnerable.

If you want to use pesticides, remember that these are poisons and can be harmful to you. Look for pesticides that have an EPA registration number and are labeled for use where you wish to implement them, i.e use in the garden or kitchen etc. If used according to the package instructions, you should be able to use these products without harming yourself or the environment. Closely read the labels before you buy the pesticide and follow the instructions to the letter. Never use roach spray on your tomato plants, for instance.

Make sure your children can't reach or get a hold of any unused pesticides. When you are done be certain to dispose of the pesticides correctly and safely. If the job appears too great for you to handle call in some professionals. Remember that pest control professionals have been specifically trained to kill pests safely and without the chance of harming you or your family. The recently published booklet 'The Ten Most Common Household Pests and What To Do About Them' covers the best ways to deal with pests. If you wish to know more tips and tricks to avoid and destroy these pests then give it a look for a small price.

by: Anthony Sullivan

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