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The Bliss Of A Tantric Massage In London

If you have not experienced a Tantra massage, then you have missed out on one of life's greatest pleasures. The ancient Indian art of Tantra was almost lost when puritanical attitudes prevailed, but times have changed and a Tantric Massage London studio offers genuine tantric treatments to clients throughout London from their beautifully appointed Kensington parlour.

What distinguishes a Tantric style massage from a normal massage? Many people only know tantra from the most famous Tantric text, the Kama Sutra. They may mistakenly believe that all there is to it is a series of complex sexual positions and has nothing at all to do with massage. The Kama Sutra is only one example of Tantra, albeit an important one.

A Tantra massage begins like a normal massage. You lie on your stomach while your masseuse expertly massages your muscles. She will focus on the tight areas of your neck, back and shoulders if you like, but her main goal at this stage of the treatment will be to relax you.

After you are completely relaxed, you will roll over onto your back and she will continue your massage. All the while, deeply relaxing meditative music will be playing in the background. Your body will be covered in warm, aromatic oil as your masseuse gently and expertly relaxes you even further before proceeding to sexually stimulate you with lingam or yoni massage.
The Bliss Of A Tantric Massage In London

When you have been brought to the peak of arousal, you will then be relaxed again. This will be done several times throughout the treatment. Far from being a frustrating experience, it will be an ecstatic one, as wave after wave of sensual bliss flows over your entire body.

Finally you will be brought to the point of an explosive and blissful orgasm the likes of which you have never experienced before. Many men and women who have experienced tantric orgasm have described it as a whole body orgasm that results in an ecstatic feeling of deep peace, centredness and serenity. It is completely unlike what most people have felt before.

Many couples come to the London Tantra Centre and are so delighted and impressed with their experience they want to learn the techniques in order to practice them together at home. The proprietress of the establishment offers lessons to couples so they can experience the bliss of the experience again and again.

Aside from experiencing your sexuality in a way you may never have experienced it before, tantra can help you overcome many sexual issues you may have. We in the West still suffer from our sexually repressive past. Sometimes we may know intellectually that sex is healthy, but subconsciously we are not convinced and it is reflected in our inability to fully enjoy the fullness of our sexual natures. Tantra allows us to realize our full sexual potential.

Tantric Massage London is genuinely dedicated to your well-being and sexual health. The art of Tantra is, in the eyes of those who understand it, a sacred art. Many clients who walk in the door expecting a titillating massage come out transformed, having understood for the first time in their lives the beauty of tantric sensuality.

The Bliss Of A Tantric Massage In London

By: Joserico Sausal Jr.

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