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subject: Why Online Affiliates Are Better Than Offline Affiliates [print this page]

Why Online Affiliates Are Better Than Offline Affiliates

The affiliate marketing industry has become a multi-billion dollars industry and more people are looking at this opportunity to start their own online business. Most companies are creating their own affiliate program so that they will be able to get more people to promote their product or services. The referrals will be able to make good money if they can sell many products and the merchant will only need to make any payment if the referrals make any sale. Both parties benefited from their mutual cooperation.

Despite this, there are differences being an online affiliates and offline affiliates. If you join as an offline affiliates, you might need to handle the customers' services or any activities that are related to the real offline business. There are some merchants who will require you to purchase products and store in your own space so that you can give it to customers when you get customers to buy the product. This means that you will need to invest some money to get the products so that you can start selling it as their agents.

There are many things that you need to when you are operating as an offline affiliates so you might want to consider being an online affiliate where your main focus is on promoting the product. If you are the referral for Amazon or other networks, you do not need to worry about the logistics and customer support as the company will handle all that. You do not even need to invest any money in advance so you can start this business quickly.

The best kind of product that you can promote as a referral is information product. The percentage of sales commission that is given is often higher than physical product as there is no additional storage cost that the merchant need to pay. Your customers will be happy too as they will be able get their products almost immediately once they have make the purchase.

Besides getting higher commission, most of the online merchants will provide you with reports and stats of your marketing campaign so that you will know whether you are doing well. If you do not have the budget to spend on advertising, the good thing about internet marketing is that you can do it for free. As long as you are following a proven strategy and you take consistent action, you can still create exposure for your promotion.

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[VIDEO] ==>

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Why Online Affiliates Are Better Than Offline Affiliates

By: emke gierlach

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