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subject: Why Do 95% Of All Entrepreneurs In Online Business Fail ? [print this page]

Why Do 95% Of All Entrepreneurs In Online Business Fail ?

Today more and more people try to earn an income as an online entrepreneur. Often people get their first experience in affiliate marketing and you might be one of them. Affiliate marketing can be the way to generating a full-time income as an entrepreneur. Often it looks like a fair deal between the merchandiser and the affiliates as both benefit from each sale. But the question is why do so many people fail? Why do 95% fail?

Well there are several reasons. To sign up and be an affiliate is often free and easy. People visit a site - like the information - look at the affiliate information and sign up without thinking on how to earn the affiliate commission.

Often they forget to ask questions about the company, the commission, the payment, the % of closing sale etc.

What seems to be a great deal depends on the affiliates advertising, promoting and selling strategies. Each affiliate marketer must be creative enough to find effective ways to convince potential buyers to purchase the products and services offered through the page he market.

Let's take a look at the deal from the merchandiser view. The company behind the product or service pays the affiliate a % to the affiliate but only when he makes a sale. The merchandiser receives the money before the company has to pay the commission. Often will the affiliate commission be paid once a month. The merchandiser knows the cost to the commission and he can forget all the affiliates cost to market the product, PPC campaign etc. If you look at the deal from the view of the affiliate - the affiliate has to create traffic and the sale. He can use free traffic or paid traffic. If he has a list he can send out offers free. But if has to create traffic he often has to pay for the traffic. And when the affiliate comes to the end of the period he maybe has generated 2.000 USD in sale - but the cost to market the product has been 3.000 USD. If this is the case the affiliate will only do this in a short time of period and then he stops.

The problem is that the affiliate often need the knowledge to market a product. If you are a newbie there is a lot to learn before you can start generating money in stead of loosing money.

Most affiliates need education and do not know where to get the knowledge. The result is that people start jumping from program to program. But still they get the same result - they fail. Why? They do not know how to market.

How to do it right? The formula is simple. You have to find a person that have success as an affiliate - go duplicate him. Contact some people you know have success and ask them about how they did or ask the top earner if he will help you. As an example I can mention that I am a member of a group that market YourNetBiz.

How to get success with YourNetBiz? Each business owner has a mentor. The mentor teaches you what to do and if you are willing to follow the steps you will get success. YourNetBiz is a high ticket program - the sale goes from 500 USD to 3.000 USD and the commission is about 70%. Your mentor teaches the new affiliate how to market. Every time a business owner makes a sale the mentor also gets a part of the commission. The mentor has the interest in your success.

You will only get success as an affiliate if you know how to market and second the earning each sale has to be a high ticket product. Then you have the money to invest in marketing.

If you want success in an online business the key is that you know how to market.

by: Kurt Holm

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