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My Family Business Perspective

My first job was given to me by one of the greatest man I've met in my life, my father. He employed me in our family business back when I was still studying in college. His approach was like this. He offered to give me more allowance for school if I helped him out. Naturally, I had agreed and I think it was one of the pivotal moments of both our lives. My dad taught me a lot of things and I had learned a lot from him. He even made it easier for me by giving me a job that didn't require much work. He assigned me as a disbursement officer, so it was a pretty easy thing to do. I only did the employees' payroll, counted their salaries, and then on weekends, I handed them their paychecks. I was focused on my work and I didn't even bother asking about taxes and the like.

College taught me those other things when I majored in Management. Then I realized why my dad had hired me in the first place. He was a genius! He was indeed preparing me to run the family business.

To sum it all up, the reasons why family members get hired for the family business in the first place are because of the trust and confidence that works for both the employer and employee, the responsibilities and commitments that are being taught to the future successors of the family business, the savings on health insurances and taxes that are lowered, the social security issues, and more.

When I had a chance to apply for a private company, I can vividly recall the HR Manager emphasizing on the retention of employees. It made think why the manager had to expound on it. I mean, how hard can it be to find good employees that will stay with the company for a long time? Then I thought of my father and I figured that not a lot of people actually have a chance to work for a family business.

It seems there is a different kind of training when you learn from your parents and the rest of your family. The kind of dedication on how you do your tasks and the time you work are major factors. When you work for the family, you put aside everything else because for most people, it is family that comes first. Also when you are asked to do something, it doesn't matter if it's after office hours, you still tend to perform duties because again, it is for the family.

When faced with money problems, people who work for their family businesses seem to be more understanding and even generous enough to offer free services and the like just to help out. You don't see a lot of that happening with private companies. The relationship between co-workers and family members working together are two different stories. All I'm trying to say is that when you are working for the family business, you have the "heart" for it, and that is mainly because you are not just a working individual but you are part of the family.

Another similar thing is how parents impart wisdom and educate their children about the business compared to how managers just tell their subordinates what to do and what not to do. Obviously parents want to teach kids a thing or two about the business in the hopes that one day they will be able to run it effectively. If an employee of a private firm messes up, they will just find a replacement for that person, but you simply can't find a replacement for your own children.

So as far as family businesses are concerned, having the future generation take part of it and parents imparting knowledge and wisdom to their children is a big plus for everyone. Disagreements can be fixed easily, work ethics can be fostered, and communication between family members can be developed further. This is probably the main reason why until now I prefer and am lucky to be working for our family business.

by: Katherine Thompson.

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