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subject: Options For Whitening Your Teeth [print this page]

Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular over the years, especially with the introduction of take-home whitening strips that can be used by everyone. There are many options, both strong and mild, that can be utilized by anyone wanting "pearly whites."

Having white teeth does not just look good aesthetically, but it also changes the entire look of your smile and improves self-esteem. Before deciding to do anything to your teeth, consult your dentist to make sure that it is safe.

In some case, an individual's teeth or gums may not be healthy enough to handle the strong chemicals that are involved with getting whiter teeth. If you have veneers or false teeth the method may be ineffective or make some teeth a different shade than others.

If you consult with your dentist and come to the conclusion that you are in fact able to use a whitening method successfully, then you should do the research to determine which method is best for you. There are several methods that your dentist can do for you or that you can do at home by yourself.

In-office bleaching is a procedure performed in a dentist's office, and is an easy procedure to perform. It usually only takes a little over an hour to complete, and delivers immediate results, but it can be pretty pricey.

Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels are an effective method, but can take a while to see results. The user places a peroxide gel inside of a clear tray fits onto your teeth.

You typically wear the tray for a few hours a day or overnight, and it can take anywhere from three days to several weeks to start seeing results. The gel and trays can be purchased from your dentist or over-the-counter.

Typically, the gel from dentists has a higher concentration of a peroxide-bleaching chemical, making you see better results faster. Another benefit of getting them from your dentist is that he can give a tray that better fits your teeth, instead of the generic size that is offered at stores.

Strips have become the most popular form of whitening since their release, and are featured in grocery and drug stores across the world. These are actually known to be effective, but the results may take awhile to notice.

The strips are recommended to be used for about 30 minutes daily for best results. The strips are fairly inexpensive, but since you have to discard them after every use, the price might add up.

Overall, it is a good method with proven results. Many dentists recommend it because of its easy use and effectiveness.

Other methods, are ways of cleaning your teeth and mouth, but claim the extra bonus to whiter teeth. A popular product is whitening toothpaste.

Toothpastes contain mild chemicals and polishing agents that remove surface stains. These are not designed to bleach your teeth, but to remove anything on your teeth that could be causing discoloration.

There are also several mouthwashes that promise whiter teeth. Though mouthwash is a good product that fights plaque, bad breath and bacteria, it is not proven to actually make your teeth any whiter.

Since the great white smile is everywhere, and people want products that can give them that, even chewing gum has jumped in the bandwagon. It tastes good and it makes your breath smell minty fresh, but as far as whitening abilities, no studies have shown actual results.

If you want a whiter smile, stick to the methods recommended by your dentist that are best for you. Brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash will remove any extra particles of food that are left in your mouth, and should be the first step to whiter teeth.

After thoroughly cleaning your mouth daily and doing all you can, try whitening methods that will work for you. Remember that having pearly whites is an ongoing process that you have to continue throughout your life.

by: Terry Daniels

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