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subject: Improved learning with literacy activities - Your children are only 4 steps away from success [print this page]

The following four step process will greatly improve children's learning when carrying out literacy activities outside of school.

The process is simple and makes a huge and positive difference to in regard to literacy and other subjects.

These four steps to learning are set out as follows;

1) Whatever you are LEARNING

2) Take action STEPS

3) Ask, do you KNOW IT?

4) Do what WORKS

1) Learning

Schools are somewhere where your children can put in a lot of effort into the subjects they have to learn particularly with regard to literacy activities

Unfortunately, children are not so motivated to learn and do literacy activities in the home environment.

When you attempt to encourage children to do the things they did in school in the home it is often not a great experience for you or for your children. Children mostly want to do something else at home rather than as they see it; more learning and literacy activities.

Even homework has the advantage of the fact that it must be completed for school.

To get your children to do more can therefore be difficult.

What's the secret then that will encourage them to want to do more and increase their chances of success in school? The additional things simply have to be entertaining and of interest.

Think of the things that you can ask them to do that makes it unlike schoolwork. Do work on things that they are interested in whether this is sport, television or even computer games.

Believe it; all these things can be used as the basis for literacy activities. As an example getting your children to write about their favorite TV programme is a great literacy activity.

Please do suspend your own judgment of what constitutes work, particularly academic work.

Your children's world outside of school provides a massive resource that can be drawn on for literacy activities.

Remember this;


1) Action steps

Doing literacy activities little and often achieves outstanding results, so take action in little steps and do it frequently.

3) Do you know it?

How do you check to see what your children know? Simply ask them to say what they know.

When you ask your children what it is that they do know don't be negative when and if they are wrong or do not know everything you think they should. The important thing is to get them to speak and to get them into the habit of doing so.

Therefore, encouraging them and advising them is a better motivator than being critical. What you have are results, not failure.

4) Do what works


All children have their own preferences when it comes to how they learn and undertake literacy activities.

It is about looking at what works and then putting it into practice to make it a habit.

Use this method to really improve and learn more from all literacy activities.

Improved learning with literacy activities - Your children are only 4 steps away from success

By: Tony Lazar

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