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The Best Ab Exercise For Travelers

One of the common complaints I get about exercise is from people who have to travel a lot for their business. "How am I supposed to get all this ab training in?" they say. "I'm on the road all off the time!"

The good news is, abs training is super-easy to do on the road. You don't really need any equipment. Although I'm a big fan of the stability ball and the medicine ball to enhance ab workouts, you don't HAVE to have them in order to get a decent ab workout in.

What you do need, is the mindset that you won't let being "on the road" turn into an excuse to not bother doing any training at all. So being on the road isn't the threat to your training: letting being on the road turn into an excuse to be lazy is the real threat.

One of the ways you can make sure you stay consistent with your training is to make it simple and easy. The lower the bar is set, the easier it is to get started. And, with most people, getting started is the hard part.
The Best Ab Exercise For Travelers

I know that when I'm feeling a little blah and not wanting to get any exercise, if I just get to the gym or get out on the running trail, that's all it really takes. Once I start, I'm fine. I don't give in to the quitter talk and skip training for that day. That seems to be how it works for most people.

So, let's use that to our advantage. My choice for the best ab exercise for people travelling doesn't have anything to do with how intense it is or how much it will blast your ab muscles into next week. It's got everything to do with getting you doing something, ANYTHING, so that you overcome inertia and follow through with a few other exercises (abs or otherwise).

It's also dirt simple to perform. It's called the plank and it's maybe the most basic and simple ab exercise there is. Performing it is a snap: just lie down on the floor face down and do a push up. Leave yourself in the push up position and hold yourself there. That's it. That's the exercise.

It may not sound like much, but see how long you can hold it before you start to sag in the middle. Remember, it's called the "plank" for a reason. You have to keep your body as straight as a board. For beginners, after only a few seconds they may feel it in their ab muscles. Even for people who are used to abs training, thirty seconds of a plank will usually start putting a decent amount of stress on the abs.

If your arms can't hold yourself up long enough, bend your arms and rest on your elbows and forearms instead. The key here is a long, sustained contraction.

The point isn't just to do a plank. It's to get you moving and shake you out of the "I don't wanna" trap. The plank is so quick and easy to perform, and once you do it, you'll realize it's no big deal and take another step with another exercise.

It isn't the most intense exercise in the world, but because of its ease, simplicity, and ability to get you unstuck and moving, it's still the best ab exercise for travelers.

The Best Ab Exercise For Travelers

By: Healthy Andy

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