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In today's world, the ability to access your files from multiple locations is an absolute must. Unfortunately this tends to involve relying on CD's and flashdrives, or by constantly emailing yourself attachments.

What we really need is a way to keep our files automatically synchronized from one computer to the next...

Enter SugarSync.

SugarSync is a user friendly platform that allows you to synchronize files between all of the computers you use with an internet connection.

**SugarSync Review**

Setting up SugarSync couldn't be any eaisier. Create an online account, download the SugarSync application to each computer you want to backup and/or synchronize and then select the folders you want.

After that, your're pretty much up and running. Depending on your needs, you can set each individual folder to either simply backup online, or synchronize with other computers.

Your files are then stored in a secure encrypted account on the SugarSync server - which means you can get to them from anywhere you have internet access! The web interface also allows for easy file sharing and collaboration.

As a SugarSync member, you can share your folders with anyone you like by inviting them to sign up for a free account. The files you share can be set as either "editable" or "read only," depending on what your needs are for that particular folder.

Editing a Word document on one laptop (or other device, like a BlackBerry) posts the changes directly to the online account, and then back down to the other computers almost instantly, so all machines have the most recent version of the file at all times.

SugarSync has a handy web interface, desktop application and also apps for several mobile clients like BlackBerry, iPhone and others. During the course of this SugarSync review, we'll take a look at each of them.

** and The Desktop Client**

*SugarSync Review - The Online Interface*

Logging into displays all of the computers on your account, as well as available storage and other items.

Selecting one of your connected computers allows you to review all of the files on that computer that are synced with the system. Once you find the file(s) you're looking for, they can easily be moved, copied, downloaded or shared.

You also have an option to send files. SugarSync can send a download linke - which expires after 21 days - to anyone you want.

This way, if you want to email a couple dozen photos to your great aunt across the country, you dont need to waste time attaching them all.

In addition to your synced computers, you also have the option to select your Magic Briefcase, your Mobile Photos and your Web Archive.

Any files that you place in the Magic Briefcase are automatically synchronized with all the computers on your account. Its a nice, simple tool for users who dont want to take the time to manually select folders to sync all they need to do is drop them into the Briefcase and they are good to go.

One important thing to keep in mind is that dropping files into the Magic Briefcase actually moves them from thier original location - it does not create a new copy.

The Mobile Photos section is pretty self explanatory these are the pictures that you have taken from your mobile phone, which well discuss a little more later on in our SugarSync review.

The Web Archive is a place to store files that you do not want synchronized with your computer. This a great tool for backing up files that you don't need to synchronize, just you know their safe.

*SugarSync Review - The Desktop Client*

The desktop application offers pretty much all the functionality of the web client. When you first open the program youll see a list of the files on the computer you are currently viewing, as well as a list to the left containing icons for your Magic Briefcase, Web Archive, etc.

There are also convenient buttons for accessing the photo gallery, your online site and your shared folders. Sharing/sending files is also just as easy as it would be online - so the only time you really NEED the web interface is when you're at a computer that doesn't have SugarSync installed.

Clicking the Manage Synced Folders button at the top of the screen will open a window that allows you to add local folders to SugarSync, as well as select folders from other computers to synchronize. If a folder is added to SugarSync but not connected to another computer, the contents are being backed up in real time, but not affecting any other hard drives. The entire interface is extremely user friendly, but if organizing different folders is more work than you are interested in, you can always just use the Magic Briefcase as described earlier.

*SugarSync For BlackBerry*

This is where it gets really fun. SugarSync offers several mobile clients including support for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile devices, and Symbian in addition to the ability to access your online account from pretty much any phone with a web browser.

From the SugarSync application you can do pretty much anything you want. Accessing computers and online files is a breeze, simply navigate to and select the file you need and SugarSync will download it to your phone and cache it for use.

As long as your phone has the nessessary software installed, you can even edit files on your phone and the changes sync directly to your computer. One BlackBerry for example, downloaded files are automatically opened in Docs-To-Go (if it's installed). When you save your changes, SugarSync asks if it should upload the new version, if you say yes, your changes will be waiting for you on your computer the next time you open the file.

You can easily upload any files from your BlackBerry, the only problem here is that there isnt an option to upload multiple files into a que each file must be selected individually. This makes uploading, lets say an photo or two that you want to share really quickly a breeze, but beyond that you will probably want to wait to transfer the files to your computer and upload them from there.

One of the real benefits of the mobile application is that if you know in advance that you want the pictures you are taking uploaded, you can fire up the application and select Take photo, which will launch your BlackBerrys native camera application and upload any pictures you take from there (please note, only photos taken from within the SugarSync app are automatically uploaded) to you Mobile Photos folder, which is synchronized across all of your computers.

Viewing images from your device is equally simple. All of the images in a folder are chached on your phone, so you can scroll through them on the go. Each picture also has a High Res option in case you need to view in greater detail.

SugarSync is also capable of streaming music to your phone as well, so if you synchronize your iTunes library, youll be able to access it anywhere, without necessarily having to keep it all on your phone at once.

SugarSync offers several different price options depending on how much storage you need. Each plan includes a 30 day free trial, which is plenty of time to get comfortable with it before making any final decisions.

by: Lynne and Chad Eribourne

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