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subject: Adore The Smile Of Your Child [print this page]

Adore The Smile Of Your Child

The smile of a child is truly one of the most treasured aspects of their physical appearance. When teeth are decayed, damaged, or discoloured your child's self confidence can be affected, leading them to suffer from low self-esteem.

Kids are their own harshest critics, and all kids are worthy of looking as normal as possible in the minds of their peers. Think back to your own school days. Remember that buck toothed kid in your elementary class? Remember the teasing and merciless ridicule he endured? That's typical.

The overall health of the child can also be disturbed by improper dental care, as the jaws and gum can become severely infected, causing the child intense pain. If tooth decay in primary teeth is left alone, an abscess can form in the gum and may infect the permanent teeth as they develop.

With so much dental progression during the new millennium, there is no reason as to why this condition should afflict your kid's unique disposition. The first thing you need to do is identify any existing problems, correct them and then learn how to prevent further problems.

Primary baby teeth are very important also called temporary teeth. Most children do not start losing their baby teeth until Kindergarten and they can keep their primary molars until high school! Each primary tooth reserves a space for the permanent tooth that will replace it. Many issues can be caused by early loss of primary teeth.

The spacing of teeth can be ruined, teeth may drift in position or even rotate causing an orthodontic nightmare. These primary teeth are needed to all oral functions including chewing, talking, jaw development and general appearance.

ECC is the term we use to refer to Early Childhood Caries. This is severe and damaging decay sometimes seen in babies and young children. The front upper teeth are usually the victims of this disease, which will ultimately damage the tooth's emergence from the gum line.

Lower incisors, protected by the proximity of the salivary flow, are usually unaffected. In many cases, ECC goes on unseen by a child's parents as it begins as a dull white line along the gum line on a child's front teeth.

These white bands will eventually become cavities encircling the necks of the teeth like a black or brown collar. Parents will mention a dark or lackluster appearance to the teeth.

If this continues, the teeth are eventually totally demolished. All that remains is brownish-black stumps. Gum boils are a form of abscess that can also occur.

The provocation for this condition is repeated and consistent exposure to sweet and sugary liquids. Prime culprits are juices, breast milk and formula.

All of these contain sugars. These sugars provide food for a group of bacteria called mutatis streptococci which produce acids that attack the teeth.

Tooth decay is actually a bacteria as well. It's infectious and can be spread between children and caregivers. It also diffuses among the teeth in your mouth.

It is often noted in studies that if a mother is careful with her teeth and has good oral health her children will also find benefits from it. If the oral hygiene is not taken seriously from an early age, the principle teeth will most likely experience permanent tooth loss. Fluoride toothpaste is an easy and critical element of oral health.

If you are at risk for dental cavities, then you will reap the most advantages from purchasing fluoride toothpaste. It works by building up the enamel on the tooth and fortifies the tooth against assault from acids that cause decay.

However, using only fluoride toothpaste won't ensure a decay-free smile. Your dental health professional will be able to properly instruct you in proper oral care. It is also very important that you have your teeth cleaned by your hygienist or dentist on a regular basis.

Professional cleaning removes plaque which cannot be completely removed with a toothbrush. Don't forget that your diet also plays a role in your dental health. What you eat is important to the health of your teeth.

Healthy foods are needed to keep teeth strong, and sweets should be avoided. As you cut back on sweets, you will find that your overall oral health improves.

by: John Chambers

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