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Low Cost Advertising - How to Avoid Advertising Problems Online

For any kind of business to thrive, there is need to advertise. Businesses on line more so needs advertising much more than other kinds of businesses. It is possible to advertise your on line business both on and offline; that being said, when you are thinking of the different advertising modes available to you, you need to pay attention to where you are buying your ads from and making sure that it is a legitimate source. This is because there are some unscrupulous elements who will sell you all kinds of ad systems at a low cost making you believe you are getting a good deal. There are many kinds of advertising scams on line that a new Internet marketer needs to be aware of, before spending their money chasing after a worthless cause.

Traffic exchanges are a typical example of an ad system that you can get for free, but which some on line marketers can sell to you if you are not aware of this. You would be wasting your money if you were to buy a traffic exchange system, because in the first place your ads are being sent to affiliates like you who may or may not be interested in what you are selling. In addition to this you may have to deal with hundreds of emails on a daily basis so as to earn credits to advertise. Try not to waste your time, money and energy by either getting traffic exchange ads for free or totally avoiding them.

Surfing-to-earn credits websites are almost similar to traffic exchanges in that your ads are also being sent to affiliates like yourself. If you have the time to surf many surf-to-earn websites to earn credits for your ads, do so by all means; but do not be tricked into buying the system from anyone. These systems are available to join for free. Remember though that your ads are not targeted, hence the conversion rates will be close to zero virtually all the time.

If you are going to invest in a pay-per-click ad system, you are better off dealing with established ad networks like Goggle, MSN or Yahoo. There are many other smaller PPC ad networks that will deliver the goods, but you can use those when you are sure that loosing a certain percentage of your advertisement budget to non-converting clicks will not harm you in any way. PPC scams come in a variety of forms. It could be that you did not properly target your ads and they are being clicked for the fun of it by some 10 year old somewhere who has no idea what damage they might be doing to your advertising budget. It may be that the ad network hired someone to do the clicking for them so they can earn revenue. Or your competition may try to run you out of the system by clicking your ads. Your best bet at the outset is to focus on dealing with reputable networks which have checks in place to prevent click fraud.

If you are intent on really avoiding advertising scams on line, then you probably should try out the pay-per-action types of advertisement. Pay-per-action is two tiered. Whenever a customer clicks on your link and fills a form or does some other action that may eventually lead to a sale, you pay for that action. If the customer buys what you are selling you pay your advertiser a little bit more. If your potential customers clicks your links and does nothing, then you do not have to pay anything.

Advertising on line can be a minefield set up to blow away your ROI and advertising budget. You should therefore be very careful when selecting your mode of advertising and your advertising network.

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Low Cost Advertising - How to Avoid Advertising Problems Online

By: Paul Sikes

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