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subject: Are You Surprised By The Power Of Ads For Lawyers? [print this page]

Due in part to television ads, a lawyer based in Denver has literally become a household name. If an ad like this works in New York just as well as it did in Denver, and more than 90 cities across the country, there's a law firm that will soon be a household name here in New York. This local law office is the most recent law firm representing personal injury to utilize the advertising program. There are other law firms that advertise in a multitude of other media markets, and just like them these law firms pay huge amounts of money to put their name on generic ads that show a thirty second slice of life. For example, it might show blue collar workers talking about where they can find a lawyer who will really fight for their rights.

Prior to the United States Supreme Court ruling in 1977, advertising by law firms was not permitted. Although not the first attorney to use TV advertising, this individual is responsible for the first generic ads that may be utilized by personal injury attorneys across the country. The lawyers who have chosen to join his affiliate program have discovered the effect advertising has had on their practice is totally extraordinary. At the time he spent the initial money on the first commercial, he had only two people in office. They had roughly 80 clients a year. Today, he commands an office of many attorneys and legal assistants. They oversee more than 100 cases a month. His law offices are housed in a three story building. His office has a mock courtroom, a pool table, and has space for the firm's media buyer and television producer.

The development and marketing of his advertisements now consume this enterprising lawyer's time; he no longer practices law. He notes that he is very successful financially and fully understands the power of television advertising. He even admits that he was shocked at the success he achieved. He relates that all he does now is run one of his successful commercials, and all his 10 incoming lines start to ring. He can actually know when his ad is running by the avalanche of calls coming in.

Personal injury law firms are the ones who most commonly use advertising to get new clients, this practive is still considered demeaning by large corporate firms. This lawyer used to struggle just to find clients. He was seeing very limited repeat business, as his clients were victims of industrial accidents, slips and falls, and automobile accidents.

These advertisements produce a reaction, without a doubt. However, the ads can also bring unrelated inquiries, encompassing matters that are unrelated to the firm's injury practice specialty. Sad as it sounds, there are a huge number of people who have no clue how to locate a good lawyer. Roughly one in ten calls results in a worthwhile case. Participating lawyers indicate the biggest issue regarding the program is attempting to sort through all of the unrelated calls. There is even a lawyer in Washington who left the program because they just didn't have the kind of resources it took to handle all the calls that came in. Unfortunately, it increases your overhead costs while increasing your caseload. The huge influx of calls will require management.

One of the program's participating attorneys reports that the amount he spent on advertising during his first year in the program, was only half of the amount of income that was generated by the TV ads. As his firm increases their caseload, the ratio is rising steadily, he reports. This is all due to television ads. Frickey, along with his advertising team, are casting famous individuals for their upcoming TV ads. Football celebrity John Madden has been hired to film a series of six ads at a cost of $50,000.

by: addianmaddi

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