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subject: Birth Injury Lawyers- New York [print this page]

A baby comes into the world and we in vision nothing but the best from our infant. Women carry their baby for nine months waiting for the moment they are born and they can hold them in their arms. When a women receives prenatal care from their doctor for their whole pregnancy they have no reason to think their baby would be nothing but healthy when they are born. The true fact is birth injuries happen more often than you think. There are about seven birth injuries that occurred out of 1000 births in 2008. Babies are born and end up with cerebral palsy because of lack of oxygen during birth or twisted umbilical cords; which most of these cases are due to medical mishap. Most of the case can be prevented.

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The scary thing about birth injuries are they are not all apparent at the time of birth. Some injuries take months to show in the child. Other types of injuries such as bruising or swelling of the baby are presented immediately at birth. The symptoms of a birth injury vary depending on the severity of trauma. To give you an idea of some other symptoms that normally happens immediately after birth are; paralysis of the baby's extremities or facial features bruising lacerations or swelling on the baby's scalp and the development of epilepsy between a 24 to 48 hour period following birth. Symptoms that may take a little longer to become apparent something is wrong are; lack of coordination, unsteadiness or shakiness, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling or any other overall poor development of the child.

If your child sufferers from any of the problems listed above it would be good to visit a birth injury lawyer, New York.

Birth Injury Lawyers- New York

By: Tikee Pittman

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