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Enhance Buyer's Trust - 8 Online Tips

Over the last five to ten years, many people have bought into hyped-up claims made by online sellers.

The "Instant Cash Machine" sites made such claims as "earn your fortune while you sleep." People had become somewhat skittish about doing business online.

The great news is, you can do something about it.

Here are some helps you can use to greatly improve your online credibility, as well as boost buyer's trust toward your online business.

These tips have been tested, and time-proven to help boost online credibility. They let people know that you are running an honest business. In today's world, folks like to know who they are doing business with. It does not matter how up-to-date the site may look, most people want to know more about it, before they buy.

(1.) Have transparency about who you are and what you do. (People often research those who they buy from online, before they make the purchase.) Remember, everything you do online leaves a digital trail, which does not go away. Have references, as well as testimonials from satisfied customers.

(2.If you are selling products, be sure to include a guarantee also. People like to know they can get their money back if they wish, they should not be made to wonder about it.

(3.) If you provides services, then put the providers picture (or video of provider) on the Web site, so visitors may know they are dealing with an actual person - not just a Web site.

(4.Present prospects with clear, concise, helpful information which will allow them to be able to make an informed decision about what you are selling.

(5.Offer them more than just a picture, and a shopping cart. Either write, or have written, explicit word descriptions, which show the direct benefits the product or service offers.

(6.) Dull, poorly written Sales copy, will fail to do the job of selling - no matter how good the product or service may be.

(7.) Keep the content of your Web site up-to-date, highly relevant to their search keywords, as well as providing clear, concise, information concerning the product/service. If people land on your Sales page, and the copy does not seem relevant to the keywords they used, they may become confused and leave - they will hit the back button in a flash)

(8.) Have the content written as though it is about THEM. They are not interested in what you have done; they are looking for what you can do for them. This helps make the copy more personable to them.

by: Stephen Monday

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