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Online Test - Advantages of Online test

Use of information technology for any test or exam related activity is known as online test. This kind of testing strategy can be used to test practical knowledge, inter personal skills, intelligence, logical skills etc over the computer system with flexible timing. In some situation, a test session is being taken online in real time but the transfer of data prior to and after the test session is transferred through internet.

There are a lot of advantages of online test over traditional paper based testing. Some of the advantages include:

It reduces long term costs

Gives feedback to user on the spot like scores or grads

Provides flexibility in terms of timings and locations as being conducted over internet

Reduces chances of human errors in terms of making marking mistakes as marking capability of machine is much more reliable and error less than human's marking capability

Comparatively required very less physical space millions of answer sheets stored on a data disk at server which required less physical space than paper answer sheets

Use of multimedia which makes test styles more interactive like use of flash, videos and images make questions more understandable

There are lots of tools and websites are available online to create test and prepare one before facing real test. Your practice online tests will let you know how to analyze a real test and be prepare for that.

In short, for test takers, they have freedom to conduct online test at their own preferred time, means great flexibility, while for trainers or teachers, Due to online test is graded automatically it gives relaxation from marking it, means big time saving, and for organizations, it saves a good amount of money being spend on employing instructor for test, designing and printing millions of test papers, means economical.

Online Test - Advantages of Online test

By: Deepak Jadav

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