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Holiday Gift Guide - What Not To Buy

In a Holiday gift guide, every gift is one you would like to buy for all the reasons they provide. Finding a guide however that tells you what you should not buy is almost non-existent. Giving the wrong kind of gift may offend the person it is given to, no matter how good your intentions. Here are a few suggestions on turning those gift-giving mistakes around.

Throughout the world people receive gifts each year where very little thought was put into the gift. These gifts will never be appreciated or utilized by the recipient. Giving a bottle of scotch to a rehabilitated alcoholic clearly shows no thought was put into the gift. All you have achieved is wasting money and offending someone.

Certain gift purchasing can be a complicated affair. These gifts include perfumes, shoes or underwear for either men or woman. People have varying tastes when it comes to these items in particular. Stay away from these unless you are intimate enough with that person to know their personal likes and dislikes. Should you want to buy something in the clothing line, then get tops with hoods or a novelty T-shirt. This way if they are not crazy about it, the item can be worn at the house.

If someone is an expert in a particular field, they may already own all the books and videos on a topic. Again, stick with the rule of thumb that suggests you only buy it if they have pointed it out to you.
Holiday Gift Guide - What Not To Buy

For the right person, a gadget is the ideal gift. Teenagers normally fall into this category. The problem is there is so much junk out there in the way of gadgets. The junk items should be avoided completely. Good gadget ideas would be accessories for cell phone such as hands free sets and cell phone pockets.

When buying gifts, we usually have good intentions. However, those very intentions can really cause great embarrassment. Buying an overweight sister a subscription to a gym, a diet supplement or diet book will ruin your relationship. Personal development tapes, books and videos are unsuitable for someone who is not financially successful.

Sometimes the uncertainty of what to buy makes it impossible to buy something. Keep in mind that buying a gift at the last minute could turn out just as bad as buying a thoughtless gift. An alternative for this is purchasing a gift card for a specific Holiday gift guide, or stores that have a big variety of gifts to offer. You and this person will be saved a lot of embarrassment if they are able to choose the gift they would prefer.

by: Mary Braun

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