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subject: Frequently Asked Questions About Metering Skids [print this page]

Frequently Asked Questions About Metering Skids

Do you have a question about metering skids? In this article, there are answers to frequently asked questions about metering skid systems for oil, gas, petrochemicals, and other liquids in the United States and Canada. Will it save my company money if we have our metering skid system built on our site versus having it built in a shop and then shipped to us and installed? Are there metering control systems for metering skids that allow the user to perform maintenance remotely?

Question: Will it save my company money if we have our metering skid system built on our site versus having it built in a shop and then shipped to us and installed?

Answer: No. In almost all cases, you will spend less on buying a metering skid system that has been pre-built in a shop and then shipped and installed at your location. Even if you need a custom skid system built (and most systems are customized to at least some extent), it will still be more expensive to pay a company to transport welding equipment and other tools, materials, technicians and engineers, and heavy industrial equipment to your site location and then having a company build the skid system on site. On average, you will save about 25 percent by ordering a skid system custom built for your site, having the company build it at their shop, and then paying them to transport it and install it on your site.

Question: Are there metering control systems for metering skids that allow the user to perform maintenance remotely?

Answer: Yes. Due to the location of many skid systems, it is more practical for employees to perform routine checks, monitoring, and maintenance on the metering computers from a different location (such as inside a factory, at an on shore location, in an office, etc.). When you are comparing features and benefits of various skid systems, just look for one that has pre-fabricated capacity to have a control room at a remote location.

Question: I need mass flow metering equipment in the UK. Do companies in the US generally deal with overseas customers?

Answer: Yes, you will find that many of the larger companies will be happy (and well qualified) to work with you. Many companies will have manufacturing facilities in multiple locations, including at least on in Europe. You can go ahead and try some of the smaller metering skid equipment companies you find online too, since many of them may be able to deliver your system in a shorter time frame if they don't have a lot of orders stacked up, and they may scrambling for business in a tight economy. However, if they do not have a European office, you may end up paying a high price for shipping on the skid. If you are having metering skids built on site, you will pay about the same having a company located on your continent build it for you as if you have a company overseas send out engineers to build it onsite.

by: Art Gib

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