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subject: Hemiplegia and Unani Treatment [print this page]


The inability to move a group of muscles in one side of the body. When hemiplegia is caused by a stroke, it often involves muscles in the face, arms and legs.

Hemiplegia refers to paralysis or abnormal movements on one side of a person, either the right or left. The affected side, orhemisphere, can be completely paralyzed or weakened, or it may move in rigid, stiff movements. Hemiplegia may be characterized by many other problems. For example, the use of one hand may be limited, there may be a problem with balance, speech may be affected or visual field problems may exist.

Hemiplegia can be a disorder present at or around birth, or it may beacquired after birth. The underlying cause of hemiplegia is damage to the brain as a result of disrupted blood flow. This disruption can be caused by several factors.

There are many different types of hemiplegia.Facial hemiplegiais characterized by paralysis of one particular side of the face.Cerebral hemiplegia occurs when a brainl lesiondisrupts the flow of blood to the brain.Spastic hemiplegia is characterized by paralysis along with spastic movements of the affected side.Spinal hemiplegiais caused bylesionsthat have formed on thespine. The most common cause of hemiplegia is stroke. A stroke occurs either when a blood clot forms and obstructs normal blood flow or when a blood vessel breaks, cutting off or disrupting blood flow. Stroke is the main cause ofcerebral palsy, which is another major cause of hemiplegia. Perinatal strokes, which occur in infants within three days of their birth, can cause cerebral palsy in children. Cerebral palsy limits function not specifically by total paralysis, but rather by uncontrollable spasms.

Unani Treatment:

1. Aroosak one in numb given in bittle.

2. Heeng 1 ratti mix in honey water 20 ml is very beneficial.

3. Deoction of suddab 5 gm is also beneficial.

4. Aaqaqarha 1 gm mix in honey water 20 ml two times daily till 5-10 days.

5. Roghan shoneez for local application at affected organs.

6. Itrifal Ustookhudoos 7 gm with Arq Gau zaban 70 ml two times daily.

7. Anqarooya kabeer 4 gm with Arq Baadyan 50 ml is very beneficial for hemiplegia and phlegmatic diseases.

8. Tiryaaq Farooq 1 gm with Dawa ul mush mutadil jawahar wali 1 gm two times daily.

9. Tiryaq Shamania 4 gm with Arq Baadyan 40 ml.

10. Habbe Ayyariz at bed time.

Hemiplegia and Unani Treatment

By: Dr Izharul Hasan

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