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subject: Could circus-themed kids' toys be just the ticket? [print this page]

Could circus-themed kids' toys be just the ticket?

When buying kids' toys, people can often lack inspiration. After all, trends move on quickly and what was popular some years back may no longer be of interest to boys and girls.

However, a publication has suggested there is one type of present that does not lose its appeal.

According to an article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, children love the circus and it recommended that those buying children's toys consider getting items based on this theme.

Consumers lacking inspiration when it comes to the topic may benefit from seeking items online as there is a wide selection of recreational products aimed at youngsters to browse through - some of which are based on circuses.
Could circus-themed kids' toys be just the ticket?

Commenting on the thrill of such events as they existed many years ago, the news source said: "In the late 19th century, cages of animals were drawn by horses through the main part of town to announce that the circus had arrived and to stage some shows.

"People along the parade route saw horse-drawn cages, elephants marching in a row, aerialists, clowns and other acts. Circus parades also featured music, spangled costumes and extravagantly decorated cages and wagons. The parade was a major event in town and became a preshow tradition."

Meanwhile, by the 20th century such crowd pleasers had to compete with radios and television but they managed to remain popular, it claimed.

The Review-Journal stated: "So, 21st century children understand the circus toys of the past."

Models of circuses have been popular among girls and boys for generations, the newspaper suggested.

It added: "Toy replicas of circus wagons, animals and performers were made by many toy companies, including Schoenhut, Kenton Hardware, Arcade, Kingsbury and Hubley."

There are also other products available on the market that may be suitable for youngsters who enjoy the sights and sounds of the circus.

For example, jigsaws are a popular choice among some and boys and girls can spend hours testing their wits in a bid to complete pictures of the occasions.

Those who feel inspired to seek circus-related items to buy as children's toys may want to conduct their search over the internet.

Doing so can result in cost savings as retailers are not subject to the same level of overheads and can pass on price reductions to their customers.

This may be particularly important to consumers at present as the effects of the credit crunch continue to make themselves felt in the UK and elsewhere around the world.

Indeed, shopping over the web in general is becoming increasingly popular as people become wise to the offerings available and firms add more deals to their e-shops.

As well as saving money on circus-related toys and other kids' games, individuals can also conserve time by surfing the web, as they do not have to physically travel from one shop to the next.

This also means they can avoid potentially crowded city centres and shopping areas while sourcing the products they want to give to boy and girls as gifts.

Could circus-themed kids' toys be just the ticket?

By: Davis Morris

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