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subject: Three Ways to Start Making Money on the Net [print this page]

Author: Barrington Shaw

Making money on the net takes a plan and a purpose. You need to know what you want to accomplish and how much time and effort you are willing to put into the project. With these things decided you are ready to pursue the dream of living and working the way you want.

Start selling photographs If you like nothing more than spending a day out in nature taking photos, this is a great opportunity for you. People need pictures for their websites, their newsletters and just about anything else you can think of.

The truth is that most people cant take a good picture to save their lives. If you have this skill, your work will be most valuable to them. You can opt to sell use per copy, or sell the pictures outright. If you sell the picture outright, you lose artistic control over it, but that may not bother you.

Some websites will let you upload your photos to their service and will pay you as it is purchased and used. It involves little effort on your part, but the pay is generally small as well. If you are willing to design and maintain your own site you are going to make more.

Be a ghost writer You know all those websites roaming the Internet? Someone wrote that content. If you are a good writer, why not join the many who make their living writing for websites and other entrepreneurs. You dont have to create an entire business, just make it your business to help others succeed.

Busy entrepreneurs who dont write well still need a constant stream of new material to post to their site, their blogs and their newsletters. You may as well make good use of those writing talents and help them out. The money is pretty good and you can try it out before you get serious to see if you like the way it works.

Advertise for Other Companies If you already have an active blog or website, this is a terrific way to make some serious money with very little effort. Find companies who offer related, but not competing, products. Offer them space on your blog or website.

Place ads for these products on your site and make an arrangement to be paid either when the customer clicks on the provided link or when they purchase. The details are flexible and up to you and the seller to work out.

One way to increase potential revenue is to direct traffic to a product you are promoting within your site. Another technique is to set up a separate page that lists numerous products and sites that you support or feel are worth purchasing. Either way, once you have set up the page, your work is minimal and the money, in effect, makes itself.About the Author:

Creating the lifestyle you dream about requires an understanding of how to make money online. You too can become an entrepreneur once you learn the techniques that successful online marketers use. Start your home based business the right way; let us show you how!

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