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subject: United States bankruptcy Lehman Brothers Bank global financial crisis [print this page]

United States bankruptcy Lehman Brothers Bank global financial crisis, the world economic recession two anniversary, the world's major countries on behalf of the Central Bank of 12 September in Switzerland, Basel is the global banking supervision of the new rules have reached an historic agreement. The new agreement, the bank has developed a new capital standards to ensure that banks hold sufficient reserves to not rely on Government assistance independent of future financial crises can occur and can avoid the banks in real estate loans, commercial loans, credit card business in a large number of risks and obligations, to create a more stable Ugg Classic financial system. This is the last few decades the global monitoring for the Bank's largest reform, landmark. Known as the Basel Agreement III on the new agreement is expected will be held in Seoul, 20 to the Group of formal ratification. Participation in the agreement of the 27 countries of the Bank will be phased into force in 2013.

Under the agreement, 2015, the world's commercial bank capital adequacy level of minimum must be from the current 4% to 6%, from ordinary shares constitute the "core" of capital banking risk assets limits from the current 2% increase to 4.5%. In 2016, 1, 2019, executed in stages between part is critical. It called on the Bank's common stock are referred to as "the basic capital, which is essentially all of the Bank and its shareholders by investing in venture capital to absorb the capital shall be accounted for 7% of its assets. This standard is higher than the u.s. banks in 2009 after a stress test is a mandatory requirement of 4% threshold. 7% of the total, including the Bank shall not be less than the total Cardy Boots risk assets 2.5% capital protection buffer "funds". In the economic down-time, the Bank's capital levels may be lower than the 7% into the buffer level, but will in the coupon and executive compensation policy is more restrictive. Economic prosperity, credit flows over a sufficient period "," National Bank supervisor may, in its sole discretion, to increase the basic capital. In order to reduce the risk of excessive banking lending behavior, which is the financial crisis led to the US real estate bubble.

The European Central Bank President Trichet indicated that the Basel Agreement will fundamentally strengthening global bank capital ratios, helped to sustain the long-term financial stability and economic growth. After a transitional arrangement, the Bank can reach new standards, but also to support the economic recovery. However, the American public opinion, the new rules will have on global credit flows to the size and cost of producing a wide range of effects. The Bank, the new rules will force the banks to lend more large-scale and invest more capital allowance reduced balance sheet size, discard those deemed to be excessively risky business types, will put more profit reserves, to respond to a potential risk, it may reduce the profits of large banks, investors and employees to distribute money to reduce at the same time, also may limit the Bank lending, thereby restricting economic growth. The regulator believes that, in order to ensure that interrelated global banking Uggs Boots system no longer face another crisis, short term fluctuations of the credit is worth it. But taking into account the new rules on economic growth in the section concerned, the new rules will allow banks over the next few years phased introduction of the new rules.

For consumers, the new rule healthful: deposit interest rates may increase at the same time, loan costs are likely to increase, and loans. ABA is responsible for regulatory policy Meng Roy said that every human being to feel the impact of a slightly different way, but certainly will feel the effects. New rule on the effects of the global banking industry. In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Bank has raised a number of new capital, which reduced their debt level, but Europe's major banks to raise capital may require a large amount. The success of the new rules, to a large extent dependent on the upcoming introduction of the rules of mutual trust between countries. If any of the countries refused to implement the new rules, other Cheap Ugg Boots countries are available on the Bank, including improving basic capital requirements, punitive measures. French officials have said that the French only in the United States to take action to prepare for the implementation of the new rules. III the Basel agreement seeks to strengthen banking supervision, either from the capital ratios, or from a transitional period for taking care of the European banking industry requirements. But compared with the United States, because of the different European countries between the development levels of the Cheap Ugg Boots banking sector, small and medium-sized banks there are differences in the proportion of relatively large, so a new agreement on the European banking industry challenges.

In the past few months a new protocol developed in Europe and the us have experienced substantial differences. As a result of the US subprime mortgage crisis in the banking sector in greater loss, risk assets ratio is quite high so the regulate on higher capital ratio requirements. Capital ratio, banking supervision Department has asked the level reached 9 per cent of the capital adequacy ratio is even higher, the implementation of the new standards for a transitional period should be five years. While the European regulatory authorities advocate lower capital ratios, Germany would like to extend the transition period to 10 years. Finally, the new agreement provides the core level and lower bound for the capital adequacy ratio of 7 percent, reaching a maximum transitional period of eight years. Even so, the new capital accord on the impact of the Ugg Boots Sale banking sector is also greater than in the United States, in particular for some economic difficulties the country and small and medium-sized banks.

United States bankruptcy Lehman Brothers Bank global financial crisis

By: louboutin88

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