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Copy These Two Super-affiliates With Clickbank Wealth Formula And Make Money Online

After hearing about the well-known internet marketers Anik Singal and Saj P from Affiliate Classroom joining forces to release a amazing product called Clickbank Wealth Formula on July 6th , I could not wait to have a look, what they are coming up with. Of course there are so many Products out there on "working from home" and "making money with Clickbank". But these geniuses are different, they deliver huge value for little money. So I wanted to see their all-new Clickbank Wealth Formula myself.

After getting it, I was not disappointed at all. For just a small amount of I got a immense amount of rich content: over 50 Videos and Documentation to download, even enough material for at least two courses - all together in this one. So not only did I get a lot for my money, no, after the first few videos I realized they are all more than worth the money I spent. Because these marketers know what they are doing and what they are talking about. I have read a lot of the ordinary "make money online" ebooks, bought tons of courses and collected some knowledge and experience myself before their Clickbank Wealth Formula.
But no other course could compete with their program, because none of the others focused so much on the overall strategy like Clickbank Wealth Formula does. So if you are really serious about making a living as an affiliate - not only with clickbank - this is the training you are searching to get all knowledge you need to succeed. And the best part of it - this course comes with a money-back guarantee and many bonuses.

To let you know who you are dealing with in ClickBank Wealth Formula I give you some background information on these to guys, that are making over $103,569 a MONTH completely automated.

So who is Saj P.?

Saj Purkayastha is an internet and affiliate marketer from England that is known as Saj P. His main focus is affiliate marketing and over the past 3 years he has produced some of the biggest products in the industry. He has numerous products under his belt and most of them became best sellers in the Clickbank marketplace and all of his products received high reviews from costumers everywhere. Among his products you can find Zero Friction Marketing and Banner Ad Blueprint that he created together with Philip Mansour. You can also find Affiliate Payload and Commission Payload that he created with Alex Goad.

And who is Anik Singal?

Anik Singal is an Indian-born American. Anik is a very successful and highly respected internet marketer. In 2005 Anik founded the Affiliate Classroom, an online training center for all of the aspiring internet and affiliate marketers out there. Anik is sharing his immense affiliate marketing knowledge and expertise with his Affiliate Classroom students. In 2008, Anik was among BusinessWeek's Top 25 Best Young Entrepreneurs in the US. Anik has made tons of cash with affiliate marketing and during the past 5 years he has been sharing his knowledge with his students.
Now him an Saj P. are together releasing the exact methods they are using to make millions with Clickbank in Clickbank Wealth Formula.

So what is the Clickbank wealth formula?

Clickbank wealth formula is a video course, including ten different modules. Every one of these modules is filled with plans and tactics on how to dominate the Clickbank marketplace and make a living online as an affiliate. They also give away some great bonuses that on top make all this work even better.

Part 1 - Getting Started

In Module #1 they cover the basics about affiliate marketing in 4 videos, to make sure everyone is on the same page starting the course no matter if you are a newbie or a old pro. The Pros may want to skip the first module.

Part 2 - Set Up Mechanics

The second module is all about auto responders, hosting and setting up websites. This part only consists of 2 Videos but they are crucial.They also show you one of the most important fundamentals in an affiliate marketing business maybe even in every business - outsourcing. But you won't be left alone with all the information about outsourcing you also get tips where, when and how to get the best people to get the most out of it.

third Module - Most Profitable Niche Selection

The third module is very, very important while showing you how to pick the right affiliate products in Clickbank to promote as an affiliate.

fourth Module - Most Shocking Website Process

In module 4 you will get some techniques and knowledge on how to make your website visitors stay on your site. You also learn some important copywriting rules and converting methods.

Module #5 - Automated Sales Machine

This fifth module shows you the blueprint for the first 10 days. During the 5 lessons, you will set a foundation for your affiliate venture.

sixth Module - Promotions

This is the module where you get to know what to promote and how to promote, so that money is starting to roll your way. Here you will also learn about CPA networks in order to flourish your affiliate marketing business.

Module #7 Module - Word That Sell

One of the most essential elements in information marketing business is using the right words at the right time. In this Module you go deeper into the copywriting aspects of it all.

8th Module - Clickbank Product Launch Formula

In this module, you will learn how to launch your own Clickbank product instead of an affiliate offer. Product launches are one of the most effective ways to earn money online fast.

Part 9 - Massive Traffic

Traffic is everything, because without traffic everything is nothing. If there are no people buying the products you are promoting there is no money coming in. This module consists of nine videos, and here you will learn multiple techniques how to drive traffic to your offer fast.

Part 10 - Insider Secrets To Increase Profits

by: oliver w.

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