subject: Child Development [print this page] As parents we love our children and we want the best for them. Yet, what is our goal? As much as we love them its to get our kids out of the house. Yes, we need to launch them into the real world. In order to make this happen successfully we need to raise independent, self-sufficient human beings. Accomplishing this goal requires prent to always be thinking. What is the best route to take between helpless infancy and independent adulthood?
Independence gradually grows as our children get older. We want to build skills like: making sound decisions, caring for one's own needs, taking action to meet goals, being responsible for one's own actions, and seeking out the information we need to guide choices.So lets be intentional as parents for this will never happen on its own. Children need a range of experiences, from simple to complex, in order to learn these skills. Let's take a quick look at each of these areas.
Wise decisions begin with baby steps. We wouldn't dream of turning our young adults loose in a car with out training and supervised practice. So why would we not do the same in decision making. Small children need to be allowed to make decisions as soon as they are capable of choosing between two things. This can with guided choices "Do you want your striped pants or your green pants today?" or "It's your turn to choose what veggies do you want for supper." Now here is the important part. What do you say after the decision? Do you process the results from their decisions? Point out the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, and then allow your child to choose. Be sure you are intentional and only suggest acceptable choices sot here is no chance of making a wrong choice. As kids grow open the door to making choices.
A trap for parents to do things for their children long after the youngster has the ability to accomplish to complete the tasks. Often as parents we do this because it quicker or easier. We need to help children take responsibility and this should start at a young age, teach them how to do personal and household tasks is well-spent time. Children are motivated by becoming more mature, and will try very hard to learn skills to show they are growing. When the child does finally become proficient, your life will be easier and your child will result in increased self confidence.
Summer Camp is a wonderful place that challenges your child to become responsible for their stuff and actions. At camp children are supervised but not coddled so clothes left on the floor need to be picked up, their is no maid service. Parents often tell us that the true benefit of summer camp is the increased self confidence and initiative to get chores done around the house.
If you thinking Summer Camp might be right for your child this summer, take a look at this FREE informational website. How To Find A Summer Camp
by: Jeff Lorenz..
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