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subject: Tips And Tricks For Left Handed Childrens Crafts [print this page]

Tips And Tricks For Left Handed Childrens Crafts

One of the best ways to pass the time with your kids is to do crafts with them. Kids are so naturally creative, and they love expressing themselves with just about any kind of art. The only thing about it is you won't find every parent who's willing to do crafts. So why is that? Who knows all the reasons why, but maybe the mess that tends to go hand in hand with crafts is undesirable. They choose other activities because crafts take time. They decide to do something else because crafts require special equipment (like left handed scissors). Crafts really are the last thing that deserve to cause stress, or even take up too much of your time. This article will discuss some time-tested tips designed to put "fun" into your craft time.

Chill out! Realize that craft time is always messy. Even those crafts that you believe to be simple can end up being a mess. The mess is half the fun when crafting happens. The kids all love making messes and you'll love the finished work of art you'll get to cherish. You won't have much fun if all you are doing is stressing over the little things just relax. The children will see your stress and they won't have alot of fun either.

The sooner you see that everything will work out the way it's supposed to the happier you will be.

Take it easy and don't try to rush into finishing too fast. Kids thrive on doing things independently.

Let your children experience the independence you already enjoy when they complete a project on their own. You may feel as if you could complete the project on your own much faster if they would just hand over the left handed scissors. You will see that they need the opportunity to finish it on their own. Yes, it does take longer this way but they will be proud of themselves when they finally finish. Patience is key here. Your level of patience will help you see just how fun the project can be.

Get your crafting materials ready well in advance. This will help you avoid last minute rushing around when your discover something's missing half way through your project. The amount of supplies you need is quite important. cups of water for washing out water color brushes, left handed scissors and right handed scissors for each kid who is helping, enough markers and crayons to go around. The more prepared you are the more fun you will have because you will not be worried about preparations.

The fact that kids don't care if their craft is perfect means that there is less pressure on you. Noone expects your 6 year old to be a perfect Picasso. You will probably have globs of glue, stray marker scratches and little pieces of paper all over the place. The main point of doing crafts with your kids is to have fun. The extra effort you put into making sure your left handed kids are well equipped for their craft will make it that much more fun for them.

by: Daisy Mae

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