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Wela Home Business Opportunity

There Are Many Reasons Why the Acai Berry Has Been Dubbed a Super Food. Word is spreading fast about the Acai super food and the wonderful benefits that you can get from it. More and more people are becoming aware of the Acai berry and they are seeking out products that contain the berry.

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The highest antioxident level of any natural food substance is the acai berry. the Acai fruit is nearly 42% fiber, and contains a high level of Omega 3,6, and 9 fats, both of which are very effective in helping to suppress appetite and prevent snacking between meals. Not only is it a great appetite suppressant, the high fiber content helps keep blood sugar levels low. It also increases energy levels and acts as a metabolism booster, which is why Brazilian MMA fighters use Acai extensively.

Wela Slimberry Home Business

National news has been giving a lot of attention to the Acai Berry recently as a diet and weight loss aid. But the natives of Brazil have been using Acai Berries for centuries for many different health benefits, such as

* Increase energy and stamina

* Fight heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases

* Boost the immune system

* Improve the digestive system

* Reduce the effects of aging

* Improve vision

* Increase sex drive

Well before Acai was touted as a diet aid, it was called a Superfood by Dr Oz because of it's remarkable array of nutrients that help prevent diseases and promote overall health. These nutrients may reduce heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many other diseases. And these nutrients can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. And the high levels of antioxidants can help prevent Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, arthritis and more. The high fiber content can lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. The Oleic acid (an omega 9) can reduce blood pressure. A University of Florida study even links consumption of Acai to the prevention of Leukemia !

Acai Berries are unique among fruits in that it contains extremely high levels of , omega fatty acids and other good fats, carbs, fiber, amino acids and other nutrients. This nutritional profile is reason the Acai fruit provides so many different health benefits. Much of the attention lavished on acai has been due to its extremely high level of antioxidants. However the fiber, "good" fats, amino acids and phytosterols also play a big roll in the benefits.

There are hundreds of web sites popping up that offer free trials of Acai Berry pills, promising that you only have to pay for shipping. But these websites are very nasty scams that will steal hundreds of dollars from unsuspecting victims. The customer is unknowingly signed up for a monthly subscription (or autobill) for an crappy product at an outrageous cost. Their hidden terms state you must cancel within 14 days, but often times THEY DON'T EVEN SHIP THE PRODUCT UNTIL 14 DAYS ARE UP. So you get hit with an $80-150 charge. Then, they make it very difficult to contact them, and often will VERBALLY tell you they subscription is cancelled, but you have no proof and GET HIT AGAIN THE NEXT MONTH! You can read more about these scams, see the latest tactics that they employ, and see the stories of others who have been ripped off.

Wela Home Business Opportunity

Wela Home Business Opportunity

By: thalia65

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