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End Pinched Nerve Pain With A Visit To Your North Miami Beach Chiropractor

A pinched nerve occurs when there is too much pressure applied to a nerve by its surrounding tissues such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. The pressure can cause a disruption to the nerve's function which in turn may cause pain, tingling, numbness or weakness.

More often than anything, pinched nerves may happen in the back. Following some home self-care steps, as well as some simple precautions may help in preventing a pinched nerve. When pain is created from a pinched nerve, visiting your North Miami Beach Chiropractor may be a solution to bring relief.

Do you have a Pinched Nerve?

Symptoms of a pinched nerve may vary, depending on which nerve is affected. The most common area for a pinched nerve to occur is in the back, but it may also occur in the neck, wrist or elbow.
End Pinched Nerve Pain With A Visit To Your North Miami Beach Chiropractor

If the pinched nerve occurs in the neck or lower back, it could be due to a herniated disc, arthritis, bone spurs, or spinal stenosis. When it occurs in the wrist or elbow, it may be due to carpal tunnel syndrome, or cubital tunnel syndrome. Other causes can include injury, bruise, or swelling of the extremities during pregnancy.

The common symptoms of a pinched nerve include:




Muscle weakness along the path of the nerve

Additionally, in the neck there may be pain or stiffness, along with other symptoms that can radiate down the arm. The lower back may exhibit pain and stiffness in addition to other symptoms that run down the leg. When forming in the wrist, the thumb, index, and middle fingers are usually affected the most. Additionally it may cause weakness when it comes to gripping objects and if the pinched nerve occurs at the elbow, the forearm, ring finger and small fingers of the hand are usually affected.

At Home Self Care

Often, people may just wake up with a pain or they may have developed the pain over the course of the day. When pain occurs, there are some simple at home self-care options that can help alleviate the pain. Some of these treatments include:

Alternating between heat and ice on the affected area

Taking a hot shower

Laying down with a rolled up towel under your neck

Using a handheld massager

Getting a massage

Even though you may not feel up to it, keeping your body and joints moving to find relief from pinched nerve pain may help. You can do general range of motion stretches and movements, take a light stroll or lie on a bed and pull your knees towards your chest. Additionally, over-the-counter anti-inflammatories may help in alleviating the pain as well.

When to see a Chiropractor

Chiropractors are professionals that specialize in detecting and eliminating pinched nerve problems. It is important to have an early diagnosis to prevent any further injury or complications.

If your pain persists for more than a couple days, make an appointment to see your North Miami Beach Chiropractor. After consulting your chiropractor about your pain, the cause of your pinched nerve can be diagnosed and a proper treatment plan can be created.

by: Gen Wright

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