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Sell Photos Online Using How To Make Money Selling Photos Online Using Facebook and Twitter Tips

Most photographers would like to sell photos online. Each photographer has his own reason why he would like to sell photos online. Some would like to raise the profits they earn from their photography business. Some photographers think they have the best photo and would like to make money by selling the photo online. To some, to have the money to upgrade their equipment and buy their dream digital camera. Few photographers have become successful as stock photographers and made money selling photos online. If you search online and googled Yuri Arcurs, you will find out a lot about Yuri Arcurs who is dubbed to be the "world's best micro stock photographer" and the amount of money he made by selling photos online. You can try and learn his methods he used to sell photos online, how he successfully sold millions of stock photos or images online and how he made millions of dollars from his stock photography business. You can do a research on stock or micro stock photo websites like Getty Images, Corbis Images or Istockphoto.

Sad to say, a lot of things have changed since when Yuri Arcurs made millions by selling photos online. There are now new ways on how to sell photos online and one of them is by cashing in on the popularity of Facebook and Twitter. Read on and learn on some tips on how to sell photos online on Facebook and Twitter.

Before you read on further and learn from the tips on how to make money selling photos online using Facebook and Twitter. Let us be clear by answering these two questions. Are you planning to sell photos online to improve the profits you get from your photography business? And are you thinking that if you sell photos online if it will help promote your photography business? If your answer to both questions is yes, then you can learn by reading these tips on how to sell photos online and make money using Facebook and Twitter.

Both social networks have a combined market of 500 million users. Can you imagine how many from that 500 million users need photography services? Can you imagine how many advertising agencies are on Facebook and Twitter looking for photographers who can supply their requirement for good quality stock photos or images? Social networks make it easy for customers or buyers of quality photography work to find photographers providing photography services they need. It also makes it easy for photographers to sell photos online and their photography business.

If you have a Facebook account , what you need to get you started in advertising or selling your photography business online and start your own micro stock photo agency to display what you think are high quality stock images is to create a new Facebook page or Fan page. Name your Fan Page the same name as your photography business. A Fan Page has more value in terms of advertising your photography business than a personal Profile Page. You can have unlimited number of fans on your Fan Page as compared to the maximum 5,000 friends you can have on your personal page. There are a lot of information you can search online on what is a Facebook Page. Make a Twitter account and try to name it the same as your Facebook Page. It is a good advertising and marketing strategy if you name both your Facebook and Twitter accounts with the same name. It makes it easy for potential buyers to remember you as a photographer and the photography services you offer. Remember that your goal is to establish yourself as a business and a good photographer able to provide high quality photography services and that includes stock photography.

If you are finding it hard to create your own Facebook Page there is a Facebook app that is so easy to use to help you create a Killer Facebook page and the name of the Facebook app is Tigerlily App. Search for it on Facebook. It allows you have two tabs and it uses widgets to customize your Facebook Page. Let us focus on two widgets on your Tigerlily App which can make your Facebook Page as your main advertising point for your business. These widgets are picture widget and the Twitter feed widget.

The next step is to have a website. If you don't have one now, you need to create one fast. Follow these steps on how to make a website, first you have to register a domain name. Find a good webhosting company which allows you to install Wordpress. All you need is to have a website that runs on Wordpress and install a Wordpress plug in which is the most important tool that will help you sell photos online and bring more profits from your photography business. Go to Fotomoto website and create an account. They have made it very simple for photographers to successfully sell photos online. Their main goal is for photographers to focus on their photography and leave the business of selling photos online to them.

Now let us get to the fun part and sell photos online. Another tip is to help you succeed in your plan to successfully sell stock photos online and make some money is to have a quick look at some micro stock photo stock websites like Istockphoto and Fotolia and study which photos sell online and what stock photo buyers are looking for. Also, you can read the blog by Yuri Arcurs and get additional tips on how he successfully made money selling photos online.

Make a sample post on your blog and add a photo. You will see that on your website there will be a Fotomoto toolbar at the bottom of the photo which will say "Buy Print", "Buy Card", "Download", "Share" and "E-card. There are features of this Fotomoto plugin you can customize on your Fotomoto account. The best thing about Fotomoto is their feature that allows you to name your own price. Yes your own price. They also take care of shipping if it is a print order. Everything is done for you and everything is ready to help you sell photos online. Fotomoto gets a percentage on every transaction but that is how you will get to love the name your own price feature. This will ensure you make more money by selling your photos online on your own website rather than selling it on micro stock photo agencies like what Yuri Arcurs does.

Now you must be asking "Why did I have to create a Facebook page and Twitter? And "How it will help me make money selling photos online? As any other business if you don't advertise, you don't sell. A business with no advertising is a business not worth giving your business. It is the same for your photography business. Why would you miss the opportunity to sell to over 500 million users of Facebook and Twitter? The best thing about it is that it is free. Advertise on your Facebook Page about your photography business. You can update Facebook user of what is new about your business or if you have posted a new photo to sell online on your website. You can redirect potential stock photo buyers to your website and buy that stock photo they have been looking for. You can tweet every time you posted a photo to sell online. Another tip is that every time you tweet add any of these hashtags #stockphoto, #stockphotoforsale, #micro stock. That will help you get found by people looking for stock photos online. All your tweets are posted on your Tigerlily app enabled Facebook page. Never underestimate the power of social networking and its value to bring in new buyers of your photography services.

How much money you can make selling photos online? As any other business it will depend on other factors such as the quality of yours stock photography work and the amount of time you devote on your website. Also, don't forget that you are a photographer first before anything else. So shoot that image, create and sell.

By following these tips on how to sell photos online using how to make money using Facebook and Twitter tips, you are on your way to become the next Yuri Arcurs and make money selling photos online.

Happy Fotopalooza Shooting and start Selling Photos Online!

Sell Photos Online Using How To Make Money Selling Photos Online Using Facebook and Twitter Tips

By: Nap Beltran

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