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subject: Be Cautious Of Shortcuts When Pursuing Qualified Mlm Leads [print this page]

Be Cautious Of Shortcuts When Pursuing Qualified Mlm Leads

If you're looking to really create a lucrative mlm business you certainly realize the importance of constantly having qualified MLM leads.

You also realize how difficult this proposition can be even though there are millions of people worldwide looking for prosperous business opportunities.

There are a few ways to generate good leads:

Let's address this first: You can buy leads. This service is being offered by many businesses. Some network marketers have very large lists and have thousands of fresh names coming in every day they will sell.

The costs for leads vary but on average run approximately 1 pre-qualified lead for $1. The more you buy the better deal you may get. For example you sign up to get 100 leads per month for $100 or sign up to get 1000 leads per month for $750. What are the pros and cons of buying leads? The pros obviously are that you've eliminated having to put in time to get the qualified MLM leads and if you're getting a lot of leads the price can be cost effective.

The cons are: There are no guarantees that the leads will pan out. You're getting a guaranteed number of "qualified" leads but they could be from a long time ago. They could also be people who have no interest in what you're offering. You should probably count on less than a 5% enrollment rate.

You'll have to determine if that number is sufficient for what you're paying out. And then there are no guarantees that those 5% will stay on. So purchasing leads can be a tricky business decision.

So what to do? If you're into your business for the long haul it's imperative that you have your own website. It doesn't have to be fancy and many simple sites are available that can be built rather inexpensively. You can also opt for a blog site and many of those are free.

The key is to get traffic to your site. You can do this by writing and submitting articles that include key words pertaining to your business. You can also use Google Adsense by blogging.

Competition is fierce in this regard so the more articles you submit and blogs you write the better your chances are to be heard and seen. This will easier for you to do if you have a true passion for your business.

However you may not have enough time to do this so you may need to purchase blog articles. There are services available that can do a great job providing the fresh material you'll need to drive traffic to your site.

Once you get the traffic to your site you'll need to be able to follow up with them. Without capturing who your visitors are you may not be able to make contact with them again. That's very important in developing the relationship required for future possibilities.

by: Rick Trujillo

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