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Tourists In Space By 2015!

Space travel, before everything that man has achieved now, was a far-fetched notion and impossible to achieve. The space is a great distance away from humans that it can only be observed through the telescope. However, the mind is an amazing creation, and with it everything became possible. Who would have thought that the once unreachable space can now be a possible place for tourists to visit?

Back when the Wright brothers were experimenting on their first aero plane, the barrier between what is impossible started to crumble. It was a feat to defy gravity and be able to send something as big as an aero plane with people boarding it flying up in high altitude. Man was able to do that and more astonishing accomplishments followed. The word impossible, as an advertisement put it, became nothing.

After the astounding success the aero plane, businessmen have found the business potential in it. Airlines then became a very lucrative business, offering the people a means to travel from one place to another in a short period of time. Nowadays, it has become a necessity and most people prefer traveling by plane more convenient and efficient as compared to traveling by ship or train.

Nowadays, people send astronauts out to space almost everyday. Some go out to check on other launched space crafts while others stay there for a period of time to man them. This has become a natural occurrence that some people dont even take notice of these anymore. Why would they when even the planet Mars, which was once just a part of the solar system that our planet belongs in, is now considered another possible home for us humans?
Tourists In Space By 2015!

With the astronauts coming and going to outer space a natural event, the ever-creative minds of man have once again tried to look at other possibilities. Space tourism was the product. Though limited and expensive, orbital space tourism became a reality due to the Russian Space Agency, the first and only to offer transport for tourists to outer space. A flight to the International Space Station (ISS) through the Soyuz spacecraft amounts to US$ 20-35. This has signaled the beginning of the space tourism industry.
Tourists In Space By 2015!

Many other startup companies have attempted to join this industry. Just recently, Boeing has announced its plans to offer space flights for tourists who wish to have a glimpse of the outer space. This is another proof that space tourism may indeed be another lucrative business worth exploring. With a partnership with Space Adventures, the company based in Virginia which is responsible for organizing trips to space aboard the Soyuz, Boeing is looking forward to the reality of yet another ambitious venture.

With a $50 million grant from the US Government, Boeing is to develop a space capsule which is going to bring the astronauts and tourists to the ISS. Crew Space Transportation capsule, or more popularly called the CST-100, is designed to have 7 seats to accommodate the astronauts and the space tourists. This latest venture of Boeing will be called space taxi and is slated to be launched in 2015.

NASA is hoping that space tourism will help in cutting the costs in the maintenance and operations of the shuttle while giving space enthusiasts a once in a lifetime chance to see space up close. However, with this new venture still in its early stage of development, the price for a trip is very expensive. An estimate of $35 to $40 million is said to be the cost of a journey to the ISS. Space agencies are positive that with the fast-paced innovation in the technology, the price will eventually decrease.

by: Hector Deleon

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